#ATTENDANCE QUIZ for Lecture 1 of Math251(Dr. Z.) #EMAIL RIGHT AFTER CLASS (OR RIGHT AFTER YOU WATCHED THE VIDEO) THE EDITED VERSION OF #THIS .txt FILE (WITH YOUR ANSWERS) #TO: #DrZcalc3@gmail.com #Subject: q1 #with an ATTACHMENT CALLED: #q1FirstLast.txt #(e.g. q1DoronZeilberger.txt) #ANSWERS TO RANDOM FACTS IN THE LECTURE # A. ACCORDING TO Dr. Z. THE TOP THREE SCIENTISTS OF ALL TIME ARE: #Archimedes, Newton, Einstein # B. WHAT BRANCH OF AI USES Multivariable calculus?: # Deep Learning and Neural Nets # C. WHAT IS THE "DISTANCE" IN SPECIAL RELATIVITY?: #sqrt ((x2-x1)^2+ (y2-y1)^2+ (z2-z1)^2- c^2*(t2-t1)^2) ##THE ACTUAL QUIZ: #1. Show that the triangle with vertices #P=[1,0,0], Q=[0,1,0], R=[0,0,1] is an equilateral triangle. #YOUR SOLUTION HERE (EXPLAIN ALL THE STEPS) #In order to prove that the triangle PQR is an equilateral triangle, #the distance between the vertices must be equal or |P Q|=|P R|=|Q R|. #The distance formula: |P1P2| = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2+(z2-z1)^2) #Substitute the values of each pair of vertices into the formula: #|P Q|= sqrt((0-1)^2+(1-0)^2+(0-0)^2)=sqrt(2) #|P R|= sqrt((0-1)^2+(0-0)^2+(1-0)^2)=sqrt(2) #|Q R|= sqrt((0-0)^2+(0-1)^2+(1-0)^2)=sqrt(2) #|P Q|=|P R|=|Q R|= sqrt(2); therefore, the distance between the vertices are equal and #triangle PQR is an equilateral triangle. #2. Determine whether the following two lines ever meet. #If they do meet, where? #r1(t)=[1,0,0]+ t*[1,2,3] #r2(t)=[0,1,0]+ t*[2,1,3] #YOUR SOLUTION HERE(EXPLAIN ALL THE STEPS) #Expand both line equations: #r1(t)=[t+1,2t,3t] #r2(t)=[2t,t+1,3t] #Then set each component of the equations equal to each other... #eq := {2t = t+1, 3t = 3t, t+1 = 2t} #...in order to solve for the value of t to determine if the two will meet or not. #t=1; r1(1)=r2(1)=[2,2,3] # Since t=1, the lines will meet at the point P(2,2,3).