#Attendance Quiz for Lecture 1 #PROBLEM 1 (used maple for this problem) > #Step 1: Setting up the function to find the distance between the verticies of the triangle. > Dist := (p1, p2) -> sqrt((p2[1] - p1[1])^2 + (p2[2] - p1[2])^2 + (p2[3] - p1[3])^2); > #Step 2: Setting the 3 verticies to their according coordinates. > P := [1, 0, 0]; > Q := [0, 1, 0]; > R := [0, 0, 1]; P := [1, 0, 0] Q := [0, 1, 0] R := [0, 0, 1] > #Step 3: Using the function and verticies defined above to find the distances between the 3 verticies of the triangle. > Dist(P, Q); 2^(1/2) > Dist(P, R); 2^(1/2) > Dist(Q, R); 2^(1/2) > {Dist(P, Q), Dist(P, R), Dist(Q, R)}; {2^(1/2)} > #All of the distances between the 3 verticies of the triangle are equal to each other and therefore, the triangle is an equilateral triangle. #PROBLEM 2 (did not use maple, had trouble with it for this problem) #Step 1: Assign a different variable, f, for r1(t), and keep r2(t) the same. Also, simplifying the components. r1(f) = [1,0,0] + f[1,2,3] = [1+f, 2f, 3f] r2(t) = [0,1,0] + t[2,1,3] = [2t, 1+t, 3t] #Step 2: Solving out the components by setting the two lines' components equal to each other and getting 3 equations. a) 1+f = 2t b) 2f = 1+t c) 3f = 3t #Step 3: Solving out the 3 equation to get the value for s and t. #by considering equation c, we can see that: 3f = 3t --> f = t #so, you can consider equation a (or b, I chose a) we can see that: 1+f = 2t --> 1+t = 2t --> t = 1. #since, t = f, the value of f is also one: f = 1. #step 4: Find the point at where they meet by plugging in the according values into r1(f) and r2(t). r1(f) = r1(1) = (1+1, 2(1), 3(1)) = (2, 2, 3) r2(t) = r2(1) = (2(1), 1+1, 3(1)) = (2, 2, 3) #The two lines r1(t) and r2(t) meet at the point (2, 2, 3).