#GETTING TO KNOW YOU QUIZ FOR Dr. Z.'s Math251(22,23,24) Rutgers University # Please Edit this ,txt page with Answers #Email DrZcalc3@gmail.com #Subject: q0 #with an attachment called #q0FirstLast.txt #when I tell you during the first lecture (Sept. 3) if you attended it #Or right after, if you watched the video # #------------ # My Name Is: Fady Besada # My [Professional] Goals in Life are: After college, I would like to be a Software Engineer so I could help trying to make people's lives easier. A long time down the around, I am extremely interested in entering some form of academia and teaching onto others what has been taught to me. # My Hobbies are: Some of my hobbies include but are not limited to: Photography, Piano, Soccer, Video Games, Technology, TV Shows, and Music. #Please Decipher and Prove the assertion in the following limerick #----------------------- # The integral of z-squared dz # From one to the cube root of three # Times the cosine # Of three pi over nine # Equals log of the cube root of three This is true because both sides of this equation result in 1/3 so after evaluation, it becomes 1/3 = 1/3. I did the work but I did not have extra time to upload it to my computer.