#Irina Mukhametzhanova, Section 24 #This homework is OK to post #13.3 Homework #Exercise 3: #The formula for the length of the curve over the interval [t0,t1] is: #s = Integral from t0 to t1 (|r'(t)|dt), where r(t) is the position vector #The derivative of r(t) is: #r'(t) = <(2t)', (ln(t))', (t^2)'> = <2, 1/t, 2*t> #The magnitude of r'(t) is: #|r'(t)| = sqrt(2^2 + (1/t)^2 + (2*t)^2) = sqrt(4 + 1/t^2 + 4*t^2) #The integral of this over [1,4] is: int(sqrt(4 + 1/t^2 + 4*t^2), t = 1 .. 4); #Result: 15 + 2*ln(2) #ANSWER: The length of this curve over the interval 1<=t<= 4 is 15 + 2*ln(2) #Exercise 9: #To find the arc length function, we first need to find r'(t): #r'(t) = <(t^2)', (2*t^2)', (t^3)'> = <2*t, 4*t, 3*t^2> #The magnitude of r'(t) is: #|r'(t)| = sqrt((2*t)^2 + (4*t)^2 + (3*t^2)^2) = sqrt(4*t^2 + 16*t^2 + 9*t^4) = sqrt(20*t^2 + 9*t^4) #The integral of |r'(t)| is: int(sqrt(9*t^4 + 20*t^2), t); #Result: ((9*t^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*t^4 + 20*t^2))/(27*t) #We can simplify it a little to get rid of a possible 0 in the denominator: #((9*t^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*t^4 + 20*t^2))/(27*t) = ((9*t^2 + 20)*t*sqrt(9*t^2 + 20))/(27*t) = ((9*t^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*t^2 + 20))/(27) #We are trying to find the equation of a specific interval, [0,t]. So, our equation turns out to be: ((9*t^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*t^2 + 20))/(27) - ((9*0^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*0^2 + 20))/(27) = ((9*t^2 + 20)*sqrt(9*t^2 + 20))/27 - (20*sqrt(20))/27 = # = ((9*t^2 + 20)^(3/2) - 20^(3/2))/27 #ANSWER: The arc length function is equal to ((9*t^2 + 20)^(3/2) - 20^(3/2))/27 #Exercise 11: #Speed is the magnitude of the position vector's first derivative, or its velocity vector. So, we first find r'(t): #r'(t) = <(2*t+3)', (4*t-3)', (5-t)'> = <2, 4, -1> #The velocity vector is always the same at any time t. So, we take the magnitude of this at time t=4 to find the speed: #speed = |r'(4)| = sqrt(2^2 + 4^2 + (-1)^2) = sqrt(4+16+1) = sqrt(21) #ANSWER: The speed of the particle at time t=4 is sqrt(21) #Exercise 13: #Speed is the magnitude of the position vector's first derivative, or its velocity vector. So, we first find r'(t): #r'(t) = <(t)', (ln(t))', ((ln(t))^2)'> = <1, 1/t, (2/t)*ln(t)> #Then, we calculate the velocity vector at time t=1: #r'(1) = <1, 1/1, (2/1)*ln(1)> = <1,1,0> #Finally, we take the magnitude of the result to find speed: #speed = |r'(1)| = sqrt(1^2 + 1^2 + 0^2) = sqrt(2) #ANSWER: The speed of the particle at time t=1 is sqrt(2) #Exercise 15: #Speed is the magnitude of the position vector's first derivative, or its velocity vector. So, we first find r'(t): #r'(t) = <(sin(3*t))', (cos(4*t))', (cos(5*t))'> = <3*cos(3*t), -4*sin(4*t), -5*sin(5*t)> #Then, we calculate the velocity vector at time t=pi/2: #r'(1) = <3*cos(3*pi/2), -4*sin(2*pi), -5*sin(5*pi/2)> = <0,0,-5> #Finally, we take the magnitude of the result to find speed: #speed = |r'(1)| = sqrt(0^2 + 0^2 + (-5)^2) = 5 #ANSWER: The speed of the particle at time t=pi/2 is 5 #13.4 Homework #Exercise 1: #r'(t) = <(4*t^2)', (9*t)'> = <8*t, 9> #T(t) is the unit tangent vector. So, to find it, we take r'(t) and divide it by its magnitude: #|r'(t)| = sqrt((8*t)^2 + 9^2) = sqrt(64*t^2 + 81) #T(t) = r'(t)/|r'(t)| = <(8*t)/sqrt(64*t^2 + 81), 9/sqrt(64*t^2 + 81)> #T(1) = <(8*1)/sqrt(64*1^2 + 81), 9/sqrt(64*1^2 + 81)> = <8/sqrt(145), 9/sqrt(145)> #ANSWER: r'(t) = <8*t, 9>, #T(t) = <(8*t)/sqrt(64*t^2 + 81), 9/sqrt(64*t^2 + 81)>, #T(1) = <8/sqrt(145), 9/sqrt(145)> #Exercise 5: #r'(t) = <(cos(pi*t))', (sin(pi*t))', (t)'> = <-1*pi*sin(pi*t), pi*cos(pi*t), 1> #T(t) is the unit tangent vector. So, to find it, we take r'(t) and divide it by its magnitude: #|r'(t)| = sqrt((-1*pi*sin(pi*t))^2 + (pi*cos(pi*t))^2 + 1^2) = sqrt((pi^2)*(1) + 1) = sqrt(pi^2 + 1) #T(t) = r'(t)/|r'(t)| = <-1*pi*sin(pi*t)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), pi*cos(pi*t)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), 1/sqrt(pi^2 + 1)> #T(1) = <-1*pi*sin(pi*1)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), pi*cos(pi*1)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), 1/sqrt(pi^2 + 1)> = <0, -1*pi/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), 1/sqrt(pi^2 + 1)> #ANSWER: r'(t) = <-1*pi*sin(pi*t), pi*cos(pi*t), 1>, #T(t) = <-1*pi*sin(pi*t)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), pi*cos(pi*t)/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), 1/sqrt(pi^2 + 1)>, #T(1) = <0, -1*pi/sqrt(pi^2 + 1), 1/sqrt(pi^2 + 1)> #Exercise 7: #The equation for the curvature function kappa(t) is: #kappa(t) = (|r'(t) x r''(t)|)/|r'(t)|^3 #So first, we need to find r'(t): #r'(t) = <(1)', (e^t)', (t)'> = <0, e^t, 1> #Then, we can find r''(t): #r''(t) = <(0)', (e^t)', (1)'> = <0, e^t, 0> #We can now find the cross product of the results: #r'(t) x r''(t) = i*(0-e^t) - j*(0-0) + k*(0-0) = <-e^t,0,0> #The magnitude of the result is: #|r'(t) x r''(t)| = e^t #Now we can find the magnitude of the first derivative cubed: #|r'(t)|^3 = sqrt(0^2 + e^(2*t) + 1^2)^3 = sqrt(e^(2*t) + 1)^3 #So, out curvature function is: #ANSWER: kappa(t) = (e^t)/sqrt(e^(2*t) + 1)^3 #Exercise 11: #The equation for the curvature function kappa(t) at a given point is: #kappa(t) = (|r'(t) x r''(t)|)/|r'(t)|^3 #Our given value of t is t=-1, so, we need to find r'(-1) and r''(-1) to get to the result: #r'(t) = <(1/t)', (1/t^2)', (t^2)'> = <-1/t^2, -2/t^3, 2*t> #r''(t) = <(-1/t^2)', (-2/t^3)', (2*t)'> = <2/t^3, 6/t^4, 2> #r'(-1) = <-1/(-1)^2, -2/(-1)^3, 2*(-1)> = <-1, 2, -2> #r''(-1) = <2/(-1)^3, -6/(-1)^4, 2> = <-2, 6, 2> #The cross product of the result is: #r'(-1) x r''(-1) = i*(4+12) - j*(-2-4) + k*(-6+4) = <16,-6,-2> #The magnitude of the cross product is: #|r'(-1) x r''(-1)| = sqrt(256 + 36 + 4) = sqrt(296) #The#Now we can find the magnitude of the first derivative cubed at t=-1: #|r'(-1)|^3 = sqrt(1 + 4 + 4)^3 = sqrt(9)^3 = 3^3 = 27 #ANSWER: The curvature at time t=-1 is: #kappa(-1) = sqrt(296)/27 #Exercise 17: #The formula for the curvature of the plane curve at point t is: #kappa(t) = |f''(t)|/(1 + f'(t)^2)^3/2 #So, we first find f'(t) and f''(t) and find their values at time t=2: #f'(t) = (t^4)' = 4*t^3 #f''(t) = (4*t^3)' = 12*t^2 #f'(2) = 4*2^3 = 32 #f''(2) = 12*2^2 = 48 #kappa(2) = |48|/(1 + 32^2)^3/2 ≈ 0.001462700599 #ANSWER: The curvature of the curve on the plane at t=2 is about 0.001462700599 #Exercise 21: #The equation for the curvature function kappa(t) at t is: #kappa(t) = (|r'(t) x r''(t)|)/|r'(t)|^3 #So, we first need to find r'(t) and r''(t) diff(t - tanh(t), t); #Result: tanh(t)^2 diff(sech(t), t); #Result: -sech(t)*tanh(t) #r'(t) = diff(tanh(t)^2, t) #Result: 2*tanh(t)*(1 - tanh(t)^2) = 2*tanh(t)*sech(t)^2 diff(-sech(t)*tanh(t), t); #Result: sech(t)*tanh(t)^2 - sech(t)*(1 - tanh(t)^2) = sech(t)*tanh(t)^2 - sech(t)^3 = sech(t)*(tanh(t)^2 - sech(t)^2) = sech(t)*(tanh(t)^2 - sech(t)^2) #r''(t) = <2*tanh(t)*sech(t)^2, sech(t)*(tanh(t)^2 - sech(t)^2)> #Now, we find the cross product of the results: #r'(t)x r''(t) = k*(tanh(t)^2*sech(t)*(1-2*sech(t)^2) + 2*tanh(t)*sech(t)^2*sech(t)*tanh(t)) = # = k*(tanh(t)^2*sech(t) - 2*tanh(t)^2*sech(t)^3 + 2*tanh(t)^2*sech(t)^3) = # = k*(tanh(t)^2*sech(t)*(1 - 2*sech(t) + 2*sech(t))) = k*(tanh(t)^2*sech(t)) #The magnitude of the cross product would be: #|r'(t) x r''(t)| = tanh(t)^2*sech(t) #Next, we find the magnitude of r'(t) and cube it: #|r'(t)|^3 = sqrt(tanh(t)^4 + sech(t)^2*tanh(t)^2)^3 = sqrt(tanh(t)^2*(tanh(t)^2 + sech(t)^2))^3 = # = tanh(t)^3 #The curvature equation for the vector would be: #kappa(t) = tanh(t)^2*sech(t)/tanh(t)^3 = sech(t)/tanh(t) = 1/sinh(t) = csch(t) #13.5 Homework #Exercise 3: #The velocity vector is the first derivative of the position vector, and acceleration vector is the second derivative. #v(t) = r'(t) = <(t^3)', (1-t)', (4*t^2)'> = <3*t^2, -1, 8*t> #a(t) = r''(t) = v'(t) = <(3*t^2)', (-1)', (8*t)'> = <6*t, 0, 8> #Their values at time t=1 are: #v(1) = <3, -1, 8> #a(1) = <6, 0, 8> #Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector, so: #speed(1) = |v(1)| = sqrt(9 + 1 + 64) = sqrt(74) #ANSWER: The velocity vector at time t=1 is <3, -1, 8>, the acceleration vector is <6, 0, 8> and the speed is sqrt(74) #Exercise 5: #The velocity vector is the first derivative of the position vector, and acceleration vector is the second derivative. #v(theta) = r'(theta) = <(sin(theta))', (cos(theta))', (cos(3*theta))'> = #a(theta) = r''(theta) = v'(theta) = <(cos(theta))', (-sin(theta))', (-3*sin(3*theta))'> = <-sin(theta), -cos(theta), -9*cos(3*theta)> #Their values at time theta=pi/3 are: #v(1) = = <1/2, -sqrt(3)/2, 0> #a(1) = <-sin(pi/3), -cos(pi/3), -9*cos(pi)> = <-sqrt(3)/2, -1/2, 9> #Speed is the magnitude of the velocity vector, so: #speed(1) = |v(1)| = sqrt((1/2)^2 + (-sqrt(3)/2)^2) = sqrt(1) = 1 #ANSWER: The velocity vector at time theta=pi/3 is <1/2, -sqrt(3)/2, 0>, the acceleration vector is <-sqrt(3)/2, -1/2, 9> and the speed is 1 #Exercise 15: #We can find the velocity vector by integrating the acceleration vector: #v(t) = int(a(t)dt) = i*(t^2/2) + j*(4*t) + C #We can use the fact that v(0) = <3,-2> to find the arbitrary constant C: #v(0) = 0 + 0 + C = C = <3,-2> #So, the velocity vector is: #v(t) = i*(t^2/2) + j*(4*t) + 3*i - 2*j = #We can find the position vector by integrating the velocity vector: #r(t) = int(v(t)dt) = i*(t^3/6 + 3*t) + j(2*t^2 - 2*t) + C #We can use the fact that r(0) = <0,0> to find C: #r(0) = 0 + 0 + C = C = <0,0> #So, the position vector is: #r(t) = i*(t^3/6 + 3*t) + j(2*t^2 - 2*t) + C = #ANSWER: v(t) = and r(t) = #Exercise 17: #We can find the velocity vector by integrating the acceleration vector: #v(t) = int(a(t)dt) = k*(t^2/2) + C #We can use the fact that v(0) = i to find the arbitrary constant C: #v(0) = 0 + C = C = i #So, the velocity vector is: #v(t) = i + k*(t^2/2) #We can find the position vector by integrating the velocity vector: #r(t) = int(v(t)dt) = t*i + (t^3/6)*k + C #We can use the fact that r(0) = j to find C: #r(0) = 0 + 0 + C = C = j #So, the position vector is: #r(t) = t*i + j + (t^3/6)*k #ANSWER: v(t) = i + k*(t^2/2) and r(t) = t*i + j + (t^3/6)*k #Exercise 31: #The particle is slowing down because, when we plot the two vectors: with(VectorCalculus); PlotVector([<12, 20, 20>, <2, 1, -3>]); #The acceleration's z-value is negative, and is pointing downward, unlike the velocity vector #14.1 Homework #Exercise 1: #To evaluate the function at specified points, we plug in saif points into the function: #f(2,2) = 2 + 2*2^3 = 2 + 2*8 = 2 + 16 = 18 #f(-1,4) = -1 + 4*(-1)^3 = -1 + 4*(-1) = -5 #Exercise 3: #To evaluate the function at specified points, we plug in saif points into the function: #h(3,8,2) = 3*8*2^(-2) = 24*(1/4) = 6 #h(3,-2,-6) = 3*(-2)*(-6)^(-2) = (-6)*(1/36) = -1/6 #Exercise 7: #The only restriction fot the domain is that 4*x^2-y has to be greater than 0, otherwise the logarithm would be undefined. Our y has to be less than 4*x^2 (y < 4*x^2) #So, our sketch would be coloring everything below, and including, the parabola y = 4*x^2 #(Sketch is attached in the separate file) #Exercise 21: #At x=0 and y=0, z=12 #At x=0 and z=0, y=3 #At y=0 and z=0, x=4 #So, we draw the plane that crosses those three points on the axes. #(Sketch is attached in the separate file) #The horizontal traces (if we use a plane z=a to cut through the plane) would have the equation 3*x + 4*y = 12-c #The vertical traces (if we use planes x=a and y=a to cut through the plane) would have equations z = (12 - 3*a) - 4*y and z = -3*x + (12 - 4*a) #Exercise 23: #You draw z = x^2, then draw z = 4*y^2, then combine the two parabolas together. #(Sketch is attached in the separate file) #The horizontal traces (if we use a plane z=a to cut through the figure) are all ellipses #The vertical traces (if we use planes x=a and y=a to cut through the figure) would be parabolas with equations z = a^2 + 4*y^2 and z = 4*a^2 + x^2 #Exercise 33: #(Sketch is attached in the separate file) #Exercise 35: #(Sketch is attached in the separate file) #14.2 Homework #Exercise 9: #lim(x,y -> 2,5) (g(x,y) - 2*f(x,y)) = lim(x,y -> 2,5) (g(x,y)) - lim(x,y -> 2,5) (2*f(x,y)) = 7 - 2*lim(x,y -> 2,5) (f(x,y)) = 7 - 2*3 = 1 #ANSWER: 1 #Exercise 11: #lim(x,y -> 2,5) (exp(f(x,y)^2-g(x,y))) = exp(lim(x,y -> 2,5) (f(x,y)^2-g(x,y))) = # = exp(lim(x,y -> 2,5) (f(x,y)^2) - lim(x,y -> 2,5) (g(x,y)) = # = exp(lim(x,y -> 2,5) (f(x,y))^2 - 7) = exp(3^2 - 7) = # = exp(9-7) = exp(2) #ANSWER: e^2 #Exercise 15: #When we try to plug in (0,0) into the function, we end up with 0/0. So, we need to see if the limit is the same from all directions using a line y = mx: #lim(x,y -> 0,0) ((x^3 + y^3)/x*y^2) = lim(x,y -> 0,0) ((x^3 + m^3*x^3)/m^2*x^3) = lim(x,y -> 0,0) (x^3*(1+m^3)/m^2*x^3) = lim(x,y -> 0,0) ((1+m^3)/m^2) = (1+m^3)/m^2 #The limit changes with the slope, so, the limit does not exist #Exercise 21: #First, we try to plug in (0,0) into the function to see if we can just find the limit by plugging in the point: #The result turns out to be 0/0, so, we need another method to find the limit. #We can use the y=mx method to see if the limit is the same from all directions: #lim(x,y -> 0,0) (x*y/(3*x^2 + 3*y^2)) = lim(x,y -> 0,0) (m*x^2/(3*x^2 + 3*m^2*x^4)) = lim(x,y -> 0,0) (m/(3 + 3*m*x^2)) = m/3 #The limit DOES depend on the slope, so, the limit does not exist #Exercise 23: #We try to approach the origin by following the x-axis (so, y=z=0): #lim(x,y,z -> 0,0,0) ((x + 0 + 0)/(x^2 + 0^2 + 0^2) = lim(x,y,z -> 0,0,0) (1/x) = 1/0 #Now we follow the y-axis (so, x=z=0): #lim(x,y,z -> 0,0,0) ((0 + y + 0)/(0^2 + y^2 + 0^2)) = lim(x,y,z -> 0,0,0) (1/y) = 1/0 #ANSWER: Because the two limits do not exist, the limit at the origin does not exist as well #Exercise 27: #First, we try to plug in the values to see if limit can be easily found: #(-2)^4*cos(1*pi)/exp(-2+1) = 16*(-1)/exp(-1) = -16*e #ANSWER: The limit is equal to -16*e #Exercise 31: #First, we try to plug in the values to see if limit can be easily found: #1/sqrt(3^2 + 4^2) = 1/sqrt(9+16) = 1/sqrt(25) = 1/5 #ANSWER: The limit is equal to 1/5 #Exercise 35: #First, we try to plug in the values to see if limit can be easily found: #(-3)^2*(-2)^3 + 4*(-3)*(-2) = 9*(-8) + 4*6 = -72 + 24 = -48 #ANSWER: The limit is equal to -48