1. [1 2 1]*[4 3 5] = 1(4) + 2(3) + 1(5) = 15 13. [1 1 1], [1, -2, -2] u.v = 1(1) + (-2) + (-2) = -3 arccos(-3/(sqrt(1)sqrt(9)) = 180, Obtuse 21. [i j] [j 2k] = [1 1 0] [0 1 2] u.v = 0 + 1 + 0 = 1 cos(arccos(1/sqrt(2)sqrt(5))) = 1/sqrt(10) or .316228 29. [b 3 2] [1 b 1] 2 vecs are orthogonal if and only if there dot products = 0 b + 3b + 2 = 0, b = -.5 31. 2x + 0y -3z = 0 [0 1 0] [3 2 2] 57. ([5 7 -4][0 0 -4])/4 * [0 0 -4] = -4k 63. 4.123106 --> sqrt(17) 1. |1 2| |4 3| 3-2(4) = -5 5. 1(-3) - 2(4) + 1(3) = -8 13. -j + i 21. [4 4 0] 25. -u 27. [0 3 3] 39. u*(v x w) = V = 4 41. 5.92 43. A = 7.8 45. 3 1. x+3y+2z=3 5. x = 3 9. x = 0 11. b, d 15. [3 -8 11] 17. 6x+9y+4z=19 19. x+2y-z=1 25. x+z=3 31. shape = rhombus 53. 3lambdax + by + 2lambdaz = +5lambda 5. r(t) = (3+3t)i - (5+0)j + (7+t)k 17. radius = 9, C(0, 0) 3. [i+4k] 5. [-1/t^2 cos(t) 0] 7. [1 2t 3t^2] 15. Both curves resemble a parabola w/ a vector tan in the first quadrant 31. [-3-4t 10+5t 16+24t] 33. [2-t - -1/3+1/2t] 41. [0 0] 49. r(t)=[1/3t^2 5t^2/2 t]+C