#12.1 : #5. #The components of u is = #7. #The components of w is = #9. #The components of PQ is (Q1-P1, Q2-P2) = (-1,5) #11. #The components of PQ is (Q1-P1, Q2-P2)=(-2,-9) #15. #5(6,2)=(5*6,2*6)=(30,12) #21 is on the PDF version #41. #ev=(3,4)/(sqrt(9+16))=(3/5,4/5) #47. #e=(a,tan4pi*a/7)/(sqrt((a*cos4pi/7)^2))=(4.494,-19.689) 12.2 : #11 is on the PDF version #13. #(a) #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=(8+32+72)/sqrt(16+64+144)sqrt(4+16+36)=1 #theta=0 #(a) Is parallel to v and in the same direction. #(b) #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=((-4)+(-16)+(-36))/sqrt(16+64+144)sqrt(1+4+9)=-1 #theta=0 #(b) Is parallel to v and in the opposite direction. #(c) #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=((-28)+(-112)+(-252))/sqrt(16+64+144)sqrt#(49+256+441)=-7sqrt(2611)/373 #theta does not equal to 0 #(c) Is not parallel to v. #(d) #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=(24+80+168)/sqrt(16+64+144)sqrt(36+100+256)=17sqrt(7)/49 #theta does not equal to 0 #(d) Is not parallel to v. #19 #-2<8,11,3>+4<2,1,1>=<-16,-22,-6>+<8,4,4>=<-8,-18,-2> #25 #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=(8+(-2)+(-18))/sqrt(16+8+36)sqrt(4+1+9)=-sqrt#(210)/35 #theta does not equal to 0 #u Is not parallel to v. #27 #cos theta = (a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3)/(|A||B|)=((-18)+(-2)+32)/sqrt(9+1+16)sqrt(36+4+64)=3/13 #theta does not equal to 0 #u Is not parallel to v. #31 #ev=<(-1)(-4,4,2)/sqrt(16+16+4)><2/3,-2/3,-1/3> #49 #parametrization1: <5-0,5+2,2-1>=<5,7,1> #Parametrization2: <5+0,5-2,2+1>=<5,3,3> #51 #r1(t)=<4t-1,2-2t,2+t> #r2(t)=<2t,1,1+t> #[4t-1=2t, 2-2t=1 2+t=1+t] #[2+t=1+t] #[2=1]× #t has no solution #r1(t) and r2(t) do not intersect.