5) |u|*sin(45) = y, |u|*cos(45) = x 7) |w|sin(20) = y, |w|cos(20) = x 9) (2-3, 7-2) = (-1, 5) 11) (1-3, -4-5) = (-2, -9) 15) (5*6, 5*2) = (30, 10) 21) 2v = (2*2, 2*3) = (4, 6) -w = (-4, -1) v+w = (2+4, 3+1) = (6, 4) 2v-w = (4, 6)-(4, 1) = (0, 5) 41) sqrt(3^2+4^2) = sqrt(25) = 5 unit vector uv = (3/5, 4/5) 47) ue = (cos(4pi/7), sin(4pi/7)) 11) R = (1, 4, 3) 1-3 = -2, 4--2 = 6, 3-3 = 0 P = (-2, 6, 0) 13) a, b/c 2a = v. Thus, it's parallel and in the same direction. c is also parallel, but in the opposite direction b/c of the opposing signs 19) (-16, -22, -6) + (8, 4, 4) = (-8, -18, -2) 25) Not Parallel 27) Not Parallel 31) |v| = sqrt(16+16+4) = 6 uv in opposite direction = (4/6, -4/6, -2/6) 49) r1(t) = (5, 5, 2) + t(0, -2, 1) r2(t) = (5, 5, 2) + t(0, -100, 50) 51) -1+4t 2-2t 2+t 2s 1 1+s -1+4t = 2s 2-2t = 1 2+t = 1+s -1+4t = 2s 2(2-2t = 1) -1+4t = 2s 4-4t = 2 3 = 2s+2 s=1/2 t=1/2 2+.5 != 1+.5