#Name: Irina Mukhametzhanova #This homework is OK to post #12.1 Homework #Exercise 5: #X-component of u = cos(45 degrees) * ||u|| = (sqrt(2)/2)||u|| #Y-component of u = sin(45 degrees) * ||u|| = (sqrt(2)/2)||u|| #Exercise 7: #X-component of w = cos(20 degrees) * ||w|| ≈ 0.94||w|| #Y-component of w = -sin(20 degrees) * ||w|| ≈ -0.342||w|| #Exercise 9: P:= (3,2); Q:= (2,7); V1:= [Q-P]; #Result: V1 := [-1,5] #Exercise 11: P:= (3,5); Q:= (1,-4); V1:= [Q-P]; #Result: V1 := [-2,-9] #Exercise 15: V1:= 5 * [6,2]; #Result: V1 := [30, 10] #Exercise 21: #2v = [2,3]*2 = [4,6] #-w = [4,1]*-1 = [-4,-1] #v+w = [2,3] + [4,1] = [6,4] #2v-w = [4,6] - [4,1] = [0,5] #The sketch is attached as an image in the email #Exercise 41: Magnitude := (V) -> sqrt(V[1]^2 + V[2]^2); Magnitude([3,4]); #Result: 5 U := ([3, 4])/Magnitude([3, 4]); #Result: U := [3/5, 4/5] #Exercise 47: #X-component of e = cos(4pi/7)*||e|| = cos(4pi/7) ≈ -0.22 #Y-component of e = sin(4pi/7)*||e|| = sin(4pi/7) ≈ 0.97 #Resulting vector: [-0.22, 0.97] #12.2 Homework #Exercise 11: R:= [1,4,3]; W:= [3,-2,3]; P:= R - W; #Result: P := [-2, 6, 0] #Exercise 13: #a) #v is 4 times this vector - so, they are parallel, and point to the same direction #b) #v is not a multiple of this vector - so, they are not parallel, and they do not point in the same direction #c) #v is (-4/7) times this vector - so, they are parallel. However, they point in opposite directions #d) #v is not a multiple of this vector - so, they are not parallel, and they do not point in the same direction #Exercise 19: eq:= -2*[8, 11, 3] + 4*[2, 1, 1]; #Result: eq := [-8, -18, -2] #Exercise 25: #u[1]/v[1] = 2 #u[2]/v[2] = -2 #u[3]/v[3] = -2 #u and v are not parallel, because u is not a multiple of v, and vice versa #Exercise 27: #u[1]/v[1] = -0.5 #u[2]/v[2] = -0.5 #u[3]/v[3] = 0.5 #u and v are not parallel, because u is not a multiple of v, and vice versa #Exercise 31: #We first find the unit vector of V Magnitude := (V) -> sqrt(V[1]^2 + V[2]^2 + V[3]^2); UV := [-4,4,2]/Magnitude([-4,4,2]); #Result: UV := [-2/3, 2/3, 1/3] #To reverse the direction, we multiply the unit vector by -1 UOpp:= -1*UV; #Result: UOpp := [2/3, -2/3, -1/3] #Exercise 49: #Parametrization equation: R(t) = P + t*V #Equation 1 -> R(t) = (5,5,2) + t*[0,-2,1] #Because a vector parallel to v points in the same direction, we can use a multiple of v (2v, for example) for the second equation #Equation 2 -> R(t) = (5,5,2) + t*[0,-4,2] #Exercise 51: R1:= [-1,2,2] + t*[4,-2,1]; R2:= [0,1,1] + t*[2,0,1]; #We expand both equations expand(R1); #Result: [4*t - 1, -2*t + 2, t + 2] expand(R2); #Result: [2*t, 1, t + 1] #We come up with an equation in which these conditions are true: eq:={R1[1]=R2[1], R1[2]=R2[2], R1[3]=R3[3]}; solve(eq,t); #The result is empty - there is no solution, so, the lines never meet