#Irina Mukhametzhanova, Section 24 #This homework is OK to post #14.3 Homework #Exercise 3: #If f(x) = g(x)/h(x), then the Quotient rule states that: #f'(x) = (g'(x)*h(x) - h'(x)*g(x))/(h(x))^2 #So, following this rule: #(d/dy)(y/(x+y)) = (1*(x+y) - 1*y)/(x+y)^2 = (x)/(x+y)^2 #ANSWER: The derivative with respect to y is (x)/(x+y)^2 #Exercise 5: #First, we find the partial derivative with respect to z, df/dz #For that, we treat x and y as constants: #df/dz = (x*y*z)' = x*y #Now, we plug in the values x=2, y=3 and z=1 #df/dz(2,3,1) = 2*3 = 6 #ANSWER: At point (2,3,1), df/dz = 6 #Exercise 17: #To find partial derivative dz/dx, we treat y as a constant, #and to find partial derivative dz/dy, we treat x as a constant: #dz/dx = (x/y)' = 1/y #dz/dy = (x/y)' = (-1)*x/y^2 #ANSWER: dz/dx = 1/y, dz/dy = (-1)*x/y^2 #Exercise 19: #To find partial derivative dz/dx, we treat y as a constant, #and to find partial derivative dz/dy, we treat x as a constant: #dz/dx = (sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2))' = 1/(2*sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2)) * -2*x #dz/dx = (-1)*x/sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2) #dz/dy = (sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2))' = 1/(2*sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2)) * -2*y #dz/dy = (-1)*y/sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2) #ANSWER: dz/dx = (-1)*x/sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2), dz/dy = (-1)*y/sqrt(9 - x^2 - y^2) #Exercise 21: #To find partial derivative dz/dx, we treat y as a constant, #and to find partial derivative dz/dy, we treat x as a constant: #dz/dx = (sin(x)*sin(y))' = sin(y)*cos(x) #dz/dy = (sin(x)*sin(y))' = sin(x)*cos(y) #ANSWER: dz/dx = sin(y)*cos(x), dz/dy = sin(x)*cos(y) #Exercise 27: #To find partial derivative dW/dr, we treat s as a constant, #and to find partial derivative dW/ds, we treat r as a constant: #dW/dr = (exp(r+s))' = exp(r+s) * 1 = exp(r+s) #dW/ds = (exp(r+s))' = exp(r+s) * 1 = exp(r+s) #ANSWER: dW/dr = exp(r+s), dW/ds = exp(r+s) #Exercise 31: #To find partial derivative dz/dx, we treat y as a constant, #and to find partial derivative dz/dy, we treat x as a constant: #dz/dx = exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2)' = exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2) * (-2)*x = -2*x*exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2) #dz/dy = exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2)' = exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2) * (-2)*y = -2*y*exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2) #ANSWER: dz/dx = -2*x*exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2), dz/dy = -2*y*exp((-1)*x^2 - y^2) #Exercise 39: #To find partial derivative dQ/dL, we treat M and t as constants, #to find partial derivative dQ/dM, we treat L and t as constants, #and to find partial derivative dQ/dt, we treat M and L as constants: #dQ/dL = ((L/M)*exp(-L*t/M))' = (L/M)'*(exp(-L*t/M) + (L/M)*(exp(-L*t/M))' = # = exp(-L*t/M)/M + (L/M)*exp(-L*t/M)*(-t/M) = exp(-L*t/M)/M + (-t*L/M^2*exp(-L*t/M) = # = (M - t*L)*exp(-L*t/M)/M^2 #dQ/dM = ((L/M)*exp(-L*t/M))' = (L/M)'*(exp(-L*t/M) + (L/M)*(exp(-L*t/M))' = # = (-L/M^2)*(exp(-L*t/M) + (L/M)*exp(-L*t/M)*(L*t/M^2) = (-L/M^2)*(exp(-L*t/M) + (L^2*t/M^3)*exp(-L*t/M) = # = (-L*M + L^2*t)*exp(-L*t/M)/M^3 = L*(L*t - M)*exp(-L*t/M)/M^3 #dQ/dt = ((L/M)*exp(-L*t/M))' = (L/M)*exp(-L*t/M)*(-L/M) = (-L^2/M^2)*exp(-L*t/M) #ANSWER: dQ/dL = (M - t*L)*exp(-L*t/M)/M^2, dQ/dM = L*(L*t - M)*exp(-L*t/M)/M^3, dQ/dt = (-L^2/M^2)*exp(-L*t/M) #Exercise 47: #a) HeatIndex := (T, H) -> 45.33 + 0.6845*T + 5.758*H + (-1)*0.00365*T^2 + (-1)*0.1565*H*T + 0.001*H*T^2; Answer := HeatIndex(95,50); #ANSWER: At 95 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% humidity, the heat index is 73.19125 #b) #The increase in I per degree increase in T can also be written as dI/dT: HeatIndexPerDegree := (T, H) -> 0.6845 + (-1)*0.00365*2*T + (-1)*0.1565*H + 0.002*H*T; Answer := HeatIndexPerDegree(95,50); #ANSWER: The increase in I per degree increase in T at 95 degrees Fahrenheit and #50% humidity is 1.66600 #14.4 Homework #Exercise 3: #To find the equation of the tangent plane, we first need to find #the vector normal to the surface at point (2,1) #For this, we find its gradient vector: #∇f = #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 2*x*y + y^3 #df/dy = x^2 + 3*x*y^2 #Plug in the point (2,1) into each partial derivative: #df/dx(2,1) = 2*2*1 + 1^3 = 4 + 1 = 5 #df/dy(2,1) = 2^2 + 3*2*1^2 = 4 + 6 = 10 #So, the vector normal to the surface is: #∇f = <5,10> #We also need to find f(2,1), for the plane equation: #f(2,1) = 2^2*1 + 2*1^3 = 4 + 2 = 6 #If our normal vector is and our point on the plane is (x0,y0,z0), #the formula for the tangent plane is: #n1*(x-x0) + n2*(y-y0) = z-z0 #Plug in the normal vector <5,10> and the point (2,1,6): #5*(x-2) + 10*(y-1) = z-6 #5*x - 10 + 10*y - 10 = z-6 #5*x + 10*y = z+14 #ANSWER: The equation for the tangent plane at point (2,1) is z = 5*x + 10*y - 14 #Exercise 5: #To find the equation of the tangent plane, we first need to find #the vector normal to the surface at point (4,1) #For this, we find its gradient vector: #∇f = #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 2*x #df/dy = -2*y^(-3) #Plug in the point (4,1) into each partial derivative: #df/dx(2,1) = 2*4 = 8 #df/dy(2,1) = -2*1^(-3) = -2 #So, the vector normal to the surface is: #∇f = <8,-2> #We also need to find f(4,1), for the plane equation: #f(4,1) = 4^2 + 1^(-2) = 16 + 1 = 17 #If our normal vector is and our point on the plane is (x0,y0,z0), #the formula for the tangent plane is: #n1*(x-x0) + n2*(y-y0) = z-z0 #Plug in the normal vector <8,-2> and the point (4,1,17): #8*(x-4) + (-2)*(y-1) = z-17 #8*x - 32 - 2*y + 2 = z-17 #8*x - 2*y = z+13 #ANSWER: The equation for the tangent plane at point (4,1) is z = 8*x - 2*y - 13 #Exercise 7: #To find the equation of the tangent plane, we first need to find #the vector normal to the surface at point (2,1) #For this, we find its gradient vector: #∇f = #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of f(r,s): #df/dr = 2*r*s^(-0.5) = 2*r/sqrt(s) #df/ds = (-1)*r^2*s^(-3/2)/2 - 3*s^(-4) #Plug in the point (2,1) into each partial derivative: #df/dr(2,1) = 2*2/sqrt(1) = 4/1 = 4 #df/ds(2,1) = (-1)*2^2*1^(-3/2)/2 - 3*1^(-4)= (-1)*4/2 - 3= -5 #So, the vector normal to the surface is: #∇f = <4,-5> #We also need to find f(2,1), for the plane equation: #f(2,1) = 2^2*1^(-0.5) + 1^(-3) = 4 + 1 = 5 #If our normal vector is and our point on the plane is (r0,s0,z0), #the formula for the tangent plane is: #n1*(r-r0) + n2*(s-s0) = z-z0 #Plug in the normal vector <8,-11> and the point (2,1,5): #4*(r-2) + (-5)*(s-1) = z-5 #4*r - 8 - 5*s + 5 = z-5 #4*r - 5*s = z-2 #ANSWER: The equation for the tangent plane at point (2,1) is z = 4*r - 5*s + 2 #Exercise 13: #The formula for linearization L(a,b) is: #L(x,y) = f(a,b) + df/dx(a,b)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b)*(y−b) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 2*x*y^3 #df/dy = 3*x^2*y^2 #Calculate their numerical values at (2,1): #df/dx(2,1) = 2*2*1^3 = 4 #df/dy(2,1) = 3*2^2*1^2 = 3*4 = 12 #Then, find the value of f(2,1): #f(2,1) = 2^2*1^3 = 4 #Plug all of the values into the linearization formula: #L(x,y) = 4 + 4*(x-2) + 12*(y-1) #So, the L(x,y) for (2.01,1.02) and (1.97,1.01) are: #L(2.01,1.02) = 4 + 4*(2.01-2) + 12*(1.02-1) = 4 + 4*0.01 + 12*0.02 = 4+0.04+0.24 = # = 4.28 #L(1.97,1.01) = 4 + 4*(1.97-2) + 12*(1.01-1) = 4 + 4*(-0.03) + 12*(0.01) = # = 4 - 0.12 + 0.12 = 4 #Calculator values are: f := (x, y) -> x^2*y^3; ans1 := f(2.01,1.02) ans2 := f(1.97,1.01) #Results: 4.287386441, 3.998495151 ≈ 4.28, 4 #ANSWER: The estimated values are 4.28 and 4, and they match the calculator values #Exercise 15: #To estimate the change, we can use the formula: #df = df/dx(a,b)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b)*(y−b) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 3*x^2*y^(-4) #df/dy = (-4)*x^3*y^(-5) #Calculate their numerical values at (2,1): #df/dx(2,1) = 3*2^2*1^(-4) = 3*4 = 12 #df/dy(2,1) = (-4)*2^3*1^(-5) = (-4)*8 = -32 #Plug all of the values into the formula #df = 12*(x−2) - 32*(y−1) #Plug in (2.03,0.9): #df = 12*(2.03-2) - 32*(0.9-1) = 12*(0.03) - 32*(-0.1) = 0.36 + 3.2 = 3.56 #ANSWER: The estimated change is 3.56 #Exercise 17: #The formula for linearization L(a,b) is: #L(x,y) = f(a,b) + df/dx(a,b)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b)*(y−b) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = exp(x^2 + y) * 2*x = 2*x*exp(x^2 + y) #df/dy = exp(x^2 + y) * 1 = exp(x^2 + y) #Calculate their numerical values at (0,0): #df/dx(0,0) = 2*0*exp(0^2 + 0) = 0 #df/dy(0,0) = exp(0^2 + 0) = exp(0) = 1 #Then, find the value of f(0,0): #f(0,0) = exp(0^2 + 0) = exp(0) = 1 #Plug all of the values into the linearization formula: #L(x,y) = 1 + 0*(x-0) + 1*(y-0) = 1 + y #So, the L(x,y) for (0.01,-0.02) is: #L(0.01,-0.02) = 1 - 0.02 = 0.98 #The calculator value is: f := (x, y) -> exp(x^2 + y); ans := f(0.01,-0.02); #Result: 0.9802966981 ≈ 0.98 #ANSWER: The estimated value is 0.98, and it matches the calculator value #Exercise 23: #The function to be estimated could be written as: f := (x,y) -> x^3*y^2; #The formula for linearization L(a,b) is: #L(x,y) = f(a,b) + df/dx(a,b)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b)*(y−b) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 3*x^2*y^2 #df/dy = 2*x^3*y #Calculate their numerical values at (2,1), as this point is very close to the one we need: #df/dx(2,1) = 3*2^2*1^2 = 3*4 = 12 #df/dy(2,1) = 2*2^3*1 = 2*8 = 16 #Then, find the value of f(2,1): #f(2,1) = 2^3*1^2 = 8 #Plug all of the values into the linearization formula: #L(x,y) = 8 + 12*(x-2) + 16*(y-1) #So, the L(x,y) for (2.01,1.02) is: #L(2.01,1.02) = 8 + 12*(2.01-2) + 16*(1.02-1) = 8 + 12*(0.01) + 16*(0.02) = # = 8 + 0.12 + 0.32 = 8.44 #The calculator value is: ans := f(2.01,1.02); #Result: 8.448673280 ≈ 8.44 #ANSWER: The estimated value is 8.44, and it matches the calculator value #Exercise 25: #The function to be estimated could be written as: f := (x,y) -> sqrt(x^2 + y^2); #The formula for linearization L(a,b) is: #L(x,y) = f(a,b) + df/dx(a,b)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b)*(y−b) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 1/(2*sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) * 2*x = x/sqrt(x^2 + y^2) #df/dy = 1/(2*sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) * 2*y = y/sqrt(x^2 + y^2) #Calculate their numerical values at (3,4), as this point is very close to the one we need: #df/dx(3,4) = 3/sqrt(3^2 + 4^2) = 3/5 #df/dy(3,4) = 4/sqrt(3^2 + 4^2) = 4/5 #Then, find the value of f(3,4): #f(3,4) = sqrt(3^2 + 4^2) = 5 #Plug all of the values into the linearization formula: #L(x,y) = 5 + (3/5)*(x-3) + (4/5)*(y-4) #So, the L(x,y) for (3.01,3.99) is: #L(3.01,3.99) = 5 + (3/5)*(3.01-3) + (4/5)*(3.99-4) = 5 + (0.6)*(0.01) - (0.8)*(0.01) = # = 5 + 0.006 - 0.008 = 4.998 #The calculator value is: ans := f(3.01,3.99); #Result: 4.998019608 ≈ 4.998 #ANSWER: The estimated value is 4.998, and it matches the calculator value #Exercise 27: #The function to be estimated could be written as: f := (x,y,z) -> sqrt(x*y*z); #The formula for linearization L(a,b,c) is: #L(x,y,z) = f(a,b,c) + df/dx(a,b,c)*(x−a) + df/dy(a,b,c)*(y−b) + df/dz(a,b,c)*(z-c) #So, first, we need to find partial derivatives of f(x,y): #df/dx = 1/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) * y*z = y*z/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) #df/dy = 1/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) * x*z = x*z/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) #df/dz = 1/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) * x*y = x*y/(2*sqrt(x*y*z)) #Calculate their numerical values at (2,2,4), as this point is very close to the one we need: #df/dx(2,2,4) = 2*4/(2*sqrt(2*2*4)) = 4/sqrt(16) = 4/4 = 1 #df/dy(2,2,4) = 2*4/(2*sqrt(2*2*4)) = 4/sqrt(16) = 4/4 = 1 #df/dz(2,2,4) = 2*2/(2*sqrt(2*2*4)) = 2/sqrt(16) = 2/4 = 1/2 #Then, find the value of f(2,2,4): #f(2,2,4) = sqrt(2*2*4) = sqrt(16) = 4 #Plug all of the values into the linearization formula: #L(x,y,z) = 4 + 1*(x−2) + 1*(y−2) + 0.5*(z-4) #So, the L(x,y,z) for (1.9,2.02,4.05) is: #L(1.9,2.02,4.05) = 4 + (1.9-2) + (2.02-2) + 0.5*(4.05-4) = 4 - 0.1 + 0.02 + 0.025 = # = 3.9 + 0.045 = 3.945 #The calculator value is: ans := f(1.9,2.02,4.05); #Result: 3.942575300 ≈ 3.945 #ANSWER: The estimated value is 3.945, and it matches the calculator value #14.5 Homework #Exercise 7: #The formula for the gradient is: #∇h = #So first, find all of the first partial derivatives of h(x,y,z): #dh/dx = y*z^(-3) #dh/dy = x*z^(-3) #dh/dz = (-3)*x*y*z^(-4) #ANSWER: The gradient of h is #Exercise 11: #Using the vector r(t) = , we can parametrize it as: #x = cos(t), y = sin(t) #The formula for the chain rule is: #df/dt = (df/dx)*(dx/dt) + (df/dy)*(dy/dt) #So, first, we find all of the needed partial derivatives: #df/dx = 2*x - 3*y #df/dy = (-3)*x #dx/dt = (-1)*sin(t) #dy/dt = cos(t) #Plug all of the results in the formula: #df/dt = (2*x-3*y)*((-1)*sin(t)) + ((-3)*x)*(cos(t)) #Plug in x = cos(t) and y = sin(t): #df/dt = (2*cos(t)-3*sin(t))*((-1)*sin(t)) + ((-3)*cos(t))*(cos(t)) #Plug in t = 0: #df/dt(0) = (2*cos(0)-3*sin(0))*((-1)*sin(0)) + ((-3)*cos(0))*(cos(0)) = # = (2*1-3*0)*((-1)*0) + ((-3)*1)*(1) = 0 - 3 = -3 #ANSWER: The numerical value of df/dt at t=0 is -3 #Exercise 13: #Using the vector r(t) = , we can parametrize it as: #x = exp(2*t), y = exp(3*t) #The formula for the chain rule is: #df/dt = (df/dx)*(dx/dt) + (df/dy)*(dy/dt) #So, first, we find all of the needed partial derivatives: #df/dx = cos(x*y) * y = y*cos(x*y) #df/dy = cos(x*y) * x = x*cos(x*y) #dx/dt = exp(2*t) * 2 = 2*exp(2*t) #dy/dt = exp(3*t) * 3 = 3*exp(2*t) #Plug all of the results in the formula: #df/dt = (y*cos(x*y))*(2*exp(2*t)) + (x*cos(x*y))*(3*exp(2*t)) #Plug in x = exp(2*t) and y = exp(3*t): #df/dt = (exp(3*t)*cos(exp(2*t)*exp(3*t)))*(2*exp(2*t)) + (exp(2*t)*cos(exp(2*t)*y))*(3*exp(2*t)) = # = (exp(3*t)*cos(exp(5*t)))*(2*exp(2*t)) + (exp(2*t)*cos(exp(5*t))*(3*exp(2*t)) #Plug in t = 0: #df/dt(0) = (exp(3*0)*cos(exp(5*0)))*(2*exp(2*0)) + (exp(2*0)*cos(exp(5*0))*(3*exp(2*0)) = # = (1*cos(1))*(2*1) + (1*cos(1)*(3*1) = 2*cos(1) + 3*cos(1) = 5*cos(1) ≈ 2.702 #ANSWER: The numerical value of df/dt at t=0 is 5*cos(1), or about 2.702 #Exercise 19: #Using the vector r(t) = , we can parametrize it as: #x = exp(t), y = t, z = t^2 #The formula for the chain rule is: #df/dt = (df/dx)*(dx/dt) + (df/dy)*(dy/dt) = (df/dz)*(dz/dt) #So, first, we find all of the needed partial derivatives: #df/dx = y*z^(-1) = t*(t^2)^-1 = t*t^(-2) = t^(-1) #df/dy = x*z^(-1) = exp(t)*(t^2)^(-1) = exp(t)*t^(-2) #df/dz = (-1)*x*y*z^(-2) = (-1)*exp(t)*t*(t^2)^(-2) = (-1)*exp(t)*t*t^(-4) = (-1)*exp(t)*t^(-3) #dx/dt = exp(t) #dy/dt = 1 #dz/dt = 2*t #Evaluate all at t=1: #df/dx(1) = 1^(-1) = 1 #df/dy(1) = exp(1)*1^(-2) = exp(1) #df/dz(1) = (-1)*exp(1)*1^(-3) = (-1)*exp(1) #dx/dt(1) = exp(1) #dy/dt(1) = 1 #dz/dt(1) = 2*1 = 2 #Plug the values into the formula: #df/dt = 1*exp(1) + exp(1)*1 + (-1)*exp(1)*2 = exp(1) + exp(1) - 2*exp(1) = 0 #ANSWER: The numerical value of df/dt at t=1 is 0 #Exercise 27: #The formula for the directional derivative of f is: #∇f . u #Where u is the unit vector of the direction vector v #First, we find the gradient, the formula for which is: #∇f = #So, we find the first partial derivatives of f: #df/dx = (ln(x^2 + y^2))' = 1/(x^2 + y^2) * 2*x = (2*x)/(x^2 + y^2) #df/dy = (ln(x^2 + y^2))' = 1/(x^2 + y^2) * 2*y = (2*y)/(x^2 + y^2) #We find the value of each derivative at (1,0): #df/dx(1,0) = (2*1)/(1^2 + 0^2) = 2/1 = 2 #df/dy(1,0) = (2*0)/(1^2 + 0^2) = 0 #So, the gradient at (1,0) is <2,0> #Now, we find the unit vector: #u = <3,-2>/sqrt(3^2 + (-2)^2) = <3,-2>/sqrt(9+4) = <3,-2>/sqrt(13) #Finally, we calculate the directional derivative: #∇f . u = (1/sqrt(13))*(2*3 + 0*(-2)) = (1/sqrt(13))*6 = 6/sqrt(13) #ANSWER: The requested directional derivative is 6/sqrt(13) #Exercise 31: #The direction vector in this exercise would be: #v = <0-3,0-2> = <-3,-2> #The formula for the directional derivative of f is: #∇f . u #Where u is the unit vector of the direction vector v #First, we find the gradient, the formula for which is: #∇f = #So, we find the first partial derivatives of f: #df/dx = 2*x #df/dy = 8*y #We find the value of each derivative at (3,2): #df/dx(3,2) = 2*3 = 6 #df/dy(3,2) = 8*2 = 16 #So, the gradient at (3,2) is <6,16> #Now, we find the unit vector: #u = <-3,-2>/sqrt(((-3)^2 + (-2)^2) = <-3,-2>/sqrt(9+4) = <-3,-2>/sqrt(13) #Finally, we calculate the directional derivative: #∇f . u = (1/sqrt(13))*(6*(-3) + 16*(-2)) = (1/sqrt(13))*(-18 - 32) = -50/sqrt(13) #ANSWER: The requested directional derivative is -50/sqrt(13) #Exercise 33: #The direction in which we need to find the rate of change (or directional derivative) # is: #v = <5-3,7-9,3-4> = <2,-2,-1> #The formula for the directional derivative of f is: #∇f . u #Where u is the unit vector of the direction vector v #First, we find the gradient, the formula for which is: #∇f = #So, we find the first partial derivatives of f: #df/dx = (x*exp(y-z))' = exp(y-z) #df/dy = (x*exp(y-z))' = x*exp(y-z) * 1 = x*exp(y-z) #df/dz = (x*exp(y-z))' = x*exp(y-z) * (-1) = (-1)*x*exp(y-z) #We find the value of each derivative at (3,9,4): #df/dx(3,9,4) = exp(9-4) = exp(5) #df/dy(3,9,4) = 3*exp(9-4) = 3*exp(5) #df/dz(3,9,4) = (-1)*3*exp(9-4) = (-3)*exp(5) #So, the gradient at (3,9,4) is #Now, we find the unit vector: #u = <2,-2,-1>/sqrt(2^2 + (-2)^2 + (-1)^2) = <2,-2,-1>/sqrt(9) = <2,-2,-1>/3 #Finally, we calculate the directional derivative: #∇f . u = (1/3)*(2*exp(5) + (-2)*3*exp(5) + (-1)*(-3)*exp(5)) = # = (1/3)*((2 - 6 + 3)*exp(5)) = (1/3)*(-1)*exp(5) = (-1/3)*exp(5) ≈ -49.47 #ANSWER: The requested temperature change of the bug is -49.47 degrees Celsius per meter #Exercise 37: #We just need to see if the directional value is negative or not. #So, we do not need to find the directional unit vector. #We can just use this formula: #∇f . v = 2*2 + (-4)*1 + 4*3 = 4 - 4 + 12 = 12 #ANSWER: Because the directional dericative is positive, #f is increasing #Exercise 39: #First, we find the gradient of the function: #df/dx = (sin(x*y + z))' = cos(x*y + z) * y = y*cos(x*y + z) #df/dy = (sin(x*y + z))' = cos(x*y + z) * x = x*cos(x*y + z) #df/dz = (sin(x*y + z))' = cos(x*y + z) * 1 = cos(x*y + z) #Calculate each derivative at (0,-1,pi): #df/dx(0,-1,pi) = (-1)*cos(0*(-1) + pi) = (-1)*cos(pi) = 1 #df/dy(0,-1,pi) = 0*cos(0*(-1) + pi) = 0 #df/dz(0,-1,pi) = cos(0*(-1) + pi) = cos(pi) = -1 #So, the gradient is <1,0,-1> #To find the directional derivative, we can use the formula: #theta = arccos((∇f . u)/(|∇f|*|u|)) = arccos((D_u_f(P))/|∇f|) #where theta is the angle between the two vectors #|∇f| = sqrt(1^2 + 0^2 + (-1)^2) = sqrt(2) #30 = arccos((D_u_f(0,-1,pi)/sqrt(2)) #cos(30) = (D_u_f(0,-1,pi)/sqrt(2) #sqrt(3)/2 = (D_u_f(0,-1,pi)/sqrt(2) #sqrt(6)/2 = D_u_f(0,-1,pi) #ANSWER: The requested directional derivative is sqrt(6)/2 #Exercise 41: #First, we need to make sure that the point is on the surface: #f(3,1,2) = 3^2 + 1^2 - 2^2 = 9 + 1 - 4 = 6 - GOOD #The vector normal to the surface is its gradient vector. #We need to find the partial derivatives of f(x,y,z): #df/dx = 2*x #df/dy = 2*y #df/dz = (-2)*z #Find all of the values at (3,1,2): #df/dx(3,1,2) = 2*3 = 6 #df/dy(3,1,2) = 2*1 = 2 #df/dz(3,1,2) = (-2)*2 = -4 #ANSWER: The vector normal to the surface at (3,1,2) is <6,2,-4> #Exercise 43: #We need to find two points where the normal vector (or the gradient) # is equal to <1,1,-2> #So, we need to find points where the partial derivatives df/dx, df/dy, #and df/dz are equal to 1,1,-2, respectively. #First, we need to find those derivatives: #df/dx = 2*x/4 = (1/2)*x #df/dy = 2*y/9 = (2/9)*y #df/dz = 2*z #The point that satisfies all of those equations is (2, 9/2, -1) #We can imagine that point as a multiple of some constant - like c #(2*c, 9*c/2, (-1)*c) #Plug this point into the ellipsoid: #(2*c)^2/4 + (9*c/2)^2/9 + ((-1)*c)^2 = 1 #4*c^2/4 + 81*c^2/4/9 + c^2 = 1 #c^2 + 9*c^2/4 + c^2 = 1 #(1 + 9/4 + 1)*c^2 = 1 #(17/4)*c^2 = 1 #c^2 = 4/17 #c = +- 2/sqrt(17) #Plugging both 2/sqrt(17) and (-2)/sqrt(17) into the point: #(2*c, 9*c/2, (-1)*c) = (2*(2/sqrt(17)), 9*(2/sqrt(17))/2, (-1)*(2/sqrt(17)) = # = (4/sqrt(17), 9/sqrt(17), (-2)/sqrt(17)) #(2*c, 9*c/2, (-1)*c) = (2*((-2)/sqrt(17)), 9*((-2)/sqrt(17))/2, (-1)*((-2)/sqrt(17)) = # = ((-4)/sqrt(17), (-9)/sqrt(17), 2/sqrt(17)) #ANSWER: The two points are (4/sqrt(17), 9/sqrt(17), (-2)/sqrt(17)) and #((-4)/sqrt(17), (-9)/sqrt(17), 2/sqrt(17))