#Irina Mukhametzhanova, Section 24 #This homework is OK to post #14.6 Homework #Exercise 1: #a) #Taking the partial derivatives with respect means treating other variables as constants #So: #df/dx = 2*x*y^3 #df/dy = 3*x^2*y^2 #df/dz = 4*z^3 #b) #dx/ds = 2*s #dy/ds = t^2 #dz/ds = 2*s*t #c) #df/ds = (df/dx)*(dx/ds) + (df/dy)*(dy/ds) + (df/dz)*(dz/ds) = # = (2*x*y^3)*(2*s) + (3*x^2*y^2)*(t^2) + (4*z^3)*(2*s*t) = # = (2*s^2*(s*t^2)^3)*(2*s) + (3*s^4*s^2*t^4)*(t^2) + (4*s^6*t^3)*(2*s*t) = # = 4*s^2*s^3*t^6*s + 3*s^6*t^6 + 8*s^7*t^4 = 4*s^6*t^6 + 3*s^6*t^6 + 8*s^7*t^4 = # = 7*s^6*t^6 + 8*s^7*t^4 #ANSWER: df/ds = 7*s^6*t^6 + 8*s^7*t^4 #Exercise 3: #The formula for the chain rule to find df/ds is: #df/ds = (df/dx)*(dx/ds) + (df/dy)*(dy/ds) + (df/dz)*(dz/ds) #And to find df/dr is: #df/dr = (df/dx)*(dx/dr) + (df/dy)*(dy/dr) + (df/dz)*(dz/dr) #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of f(x,y,z): #df/dx = y #df/dy = x #df/dz = 2*z #Then, find partial derivatives of x, y, and z with respect to s: #dx/ds = 2*s #dy/ds = 2*r #dz/ds = 0 #And with respect to r: #dx/dr = 0 #dy/dr = 2*s #dz/dr = 2*r #Now, find df/ds and df/dr using the chain rule: #df/ds = (y)*(2*s) + (x)*(2*r) + (2*z)*(0) = (2*r*s)*(2*s) + (s^2)*(2*r) = # = 4*r*s^2 + 2*r*s^2 = 6*r*s^2 #df/dr = (y)*(0) + (x)*(2*s) + (2*z)*(2*r) = (s^2)*(2*s) + (2*r^2)*(2*r) = # = 2*s^3 + 4*r^3 #ANSWER: df/ds = 6*r*s^2, df/dr = 2*s^3 + 4*r^3 #Exercise 5: #The formula for the chain rule to find dg/du is: #dg/du = (dg/dx)*(dx/du) + (dg/dy)*(dy/du) #And to find dg/dv is: #dg/dv = (dg/dx)*(dx/dv) + (dg/dy)*(dy/dv) #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of g(x,y): #dg/dx = -sin(x-y) #dg/dy = sin(x-y) #Then, find partial derivatives of x and y with respect to u: #dx/du = 3 #dy/du = -7 #And with respect to v: #dx/dv = -5 #dy/dv = 15 #Now, find dg/du and dg/dv using the chain rule: #dg/du = (-sin(x-y))*(3) + (sin(x-y))*(-7) = # = (-3)*sin(3*u - 5*v + 7*u - 15*v) - 7*sin(3*u - 5*v + 7*u - 15*v) = # = (-3)*sin(10*u - 20*v) - 7*sin(10*u - 20*v) = (-10)*sin(10*u - 20*v) #dg/dv = (-sin(x-y))*(-5) + (sin(x-y))*(15) = 5*sin(10*u - 20*v) + 15*sin(10*u - 20*v) = # = 20*sin(10*u - 20*v) #ANSWER: dg/du = (-10)*sin(10*u - 20*v), dg/dv = 20*sin(10*u - 20*v) #Exercise 7: #The formula for the chain rule to find dF/dy is: #dF/dy = (dF/du)*(du/dy) + (dF/dv)*(dv/dy) #So first, we find the first partial derivatives of F(u,v): #dF/du = exp(u+v) #dF/dv = exp(u+v) #Then, find partial derivatives of u and v with respect to y: #du/dy = 0 #dv/dy = x #Now, find dF/dy using the chain rule: #dF/dy = (exp(u+v))*(0) + (exp(u+v))*(x) = (exp(x^2+x*y))*x #ANSWER: dF/dy = (exp(x^2+x*y))*x #Exercise 15: #First, find all first partial derivatives of g(x,y): #dg/dx = 2*x #dg/dy = (-2)*y #And partial derivatives of x and y with respect to u: #dx/du = exp(u)*cos(v) #dy/du = exp(u)*sin(v) #Now, find dg/du using the chain rule: #dg/du = (2*x)*(exp(u)*cos(v)) + ((-2)*y)*(exp(u)*sin(v)) #At (0,1): #x = exp(0)*cos(1) = cos(1) #y = exp(0)*sin(1) = sin(1) #Plug (0,1) and the resulting x and y into the chain rule: #dg/du(0,1) = (2*cos(1))*(exp(0)*cos(1)) + ((-2)*sin(1))*(exp(0)*sin(1)) = # = 2*cos(1)^2 - 2*sin(1)^2 = 2*(cos(1)^2 - sin(1)^2) = 2*cos(2) #ANSWER: dg/du = 2*cos(2) #Exercise 23: #Let's expand the right side of the equation: #(df/ds)*(df/dt) = ((df/dx)*(dx/ds) + (df/dy)*(dy/ds)) * ((df/dx)*(dx/dt) + (df/dy)*(dy/dt)) #Calculate dx/ds, dy/ds, dx/dt, and dy/dt: #dx/ds = 1 #dy/ds = 1 #dx/dt = 1 #dy/dt = -1 #Plug them back into the equation above: #((df/dx)*(1) + (df/dy)*(1)) * ((df/dx)*(1) + (df/dy)*(-1)) = # = ((df/dx) + (df/dy)) * ((df/dx) - (df/dy)) = # = (df/dx)^2 + (df/dx)*(df/dy) - (df/dx)*(df/dy) + (df/dy)^2 = # = (df/dx)^2 - (df/dy)^2 -> Checks out #Exercise 27: #Using implicit differentiation means that to find dz/dx, we take the #derivative with respect to x on both sides. So: #x' = 1, y' = 0, and z' = dz/dx #Using that: #(x^2*y)' + (y^2*z)' + (x*z^2)' = (10)' #(2*x*y) + (y^2*z') + (z^2 + x*2*z*z') = 0 #Collect z' on one side: #(y^2*z') + (x*2*z*z') = (-2)*x*y - z^2 #Factor it out: #z'*(y^2 + 2*x*z) = (-2)*x*y - z^2 #z' = ((-2)*x*y - z^2)/(y^2 + 2*x*z) #ANSWER: dz/dx = ((-2)*x*y - z^2)/(y^2 + 2*x*z) #Exercise 29: #To find dz/dy, we take the derivative with respect to y on both sides. So: #x' = 0, y' = 1, and z' = dz/dy #Using that: #(exp(x*y))' + (sin(x*z))' + (y)' = 0 #x*exp(x*y) + cos(x*z)*x*z' + 1 = 0 #Collect z' on one side: #cos(x*z)*x*z' = (-1)*x*exp(x*y) - 1 #Factor it out: #z' = ((-1)*x*exp(x*y) - 1)/(cos(x*z)*x) #ANSWER: ((-1)*x*exp(x*y) - 1)/(cos(x*z)*x) #Exercise 31: #First, we check that the point satisfies the equation: #((1)/(1^2 + 1^2)) + ((1)/(1^2 + 1^2) = (1/2) + (1/2) = 1 -> Checks out #To find dw/dy, we take the derivative with respect to y on both sides. So: #x' = 0, y' = 1, and w' = dw/dy #Using that: #((1)/(w^2 + x^2))' + ((1)/(w^2 + y^2)' = 0 #((-1)/(w^2 + x^2)^2)*(2*w*w') + (((-1)*(w^2 + y^2)')/(w^2 + y^2)^2) = 0 #(((-2)*w*w')/(w^2 + x^2)^2) + (((-1)*(2*w*w' + 2*y))/(w^2 + y^2)^2) = 0 #Collect w' on one side: #(((-4)*w*w')/(w^2 + x^2)^2) = ((2*y)/(w^2 + x^2)^2) #Factor it out: #w' = ((2*y)/(w^2 + x^2)^2) / (((-4)*w)/(w^2 + x^2)^2) #w' = (2*y)/((-4)*w) #Plug in (1,1,1): #w' = (2*1)/((-4)*w) = 2/(-4) = -0.5 #ANSWER: dw/dy = (2*y)/((-4)*w), and dw/dy(1,1,1) = -0.5 #14.7 Homework #Exercise 1: #a) #f_x = 2*x - 4*y = 0 #2*x = 4*y #So, a = 2*b #f_y = 4*y^3 - 4*x = 0 #4*y^3 = 4*x #y^3 = x #Check the three points: #(0)^3 = 0 - Checks out #(sqrt(2))^3 = 2*sqrt(2) - Checks out #((-1)*sqrt(2))^3 = (-2)*sqrt(2) - Checks out #b) #Local minima are at (2*sqrt(2), sqrt(2)) and ((-2)*sqrt(2)), #and the saddle point is at (0,0) #The absolute minimum value of f is: #f(2*sqrt(2), sqrt(2)) = 4*2 + 4 - 8*2 = 8 + 4 - 16 = -4 #Exercise 3: #To find the critical point, we first find the first order derivatives #and set them to 0: #f_x = 2*x + y = 0 #y = (-2)*x #f_y = 32*y^3 + x - 6*y - 3*y^2 = 0 #32*(-2*x)^3 + x - 6*(-2)*x - 3*((-2)*x)^2 = 0 #(-256)*x^3 - 12*x^2 + 13*x = 0 #x*(256*x^2 + 12*x - 13) = 0 #x = (12 +- sqrt(144 - 4*256*(-13)))/512 = (12 +- 116)/512 #x = 0, 13/64, (-1)/4 #y = 0, -26/64, 1/2 #Looking at the figure: #ANSWER: (0,0) is a saddle point, (13/64,-13/32) is a local minimum, #and (-1/4,1/2) is also a local minimum #Exercise 5: #a) #f_x = y^2 - 2*y*x + y = y*(y - 2*x + 1) = 0 #f_y = 2*y*x - x^2 + x = x*(2*y - x + 1) = 0 #b) #At x = 0: #f_x(0,y) = y*(y - 2*0 + 1) = y*(y+1) = 0 #f_y(0,y) = 0*(2*y - 0 + 1) = 0 #So, for both equations, if x is 0, y can either be 0 or a non-zero number (-1) #And at y = 0: #f_x(x,0) = 0*(0 - 2*x + 1) = 0 #f_y(x,0) = x*(2*0 - x + 1) = x*(1 - x) = 0 #So, for both equations, if y is 0, x can either be 0 or a non-zero number (1) #We can also use substitution: #y - 2*x + 1 = 0 #y = 2*x - 1 #Into the second equation: #x*(2*(2*x - 1) - x + 1) = 0 #x*(4*x - 2 - x + 1) = 0 #x*(3*x - 1) = 0 #3*x - 1 = 0 #3*x = 1 #x = 1/3 #y = 2/3 - 1 = (-1)/3 #So, our critical points are (0,0), (0,-1), (1,0), and (1/3, (-1)/3) #c) #Find the second partial derivatives: #f_xx = (-2)*y #f_xy = 2*y - 2*x + 1 #f_yy = 2*x #To see if a point is a minimum, maximum, or a saddle point, we can #use the determinant: #D = (f_xx)*(f_yy) - (f_xy)^2 #If D > 0 and f_xx > 0, the point is a min #If D > 0 and f_xx < 0, the point is a max #If D < 0, the point is a saddle point #If D = 0, we do not know #So test each of the 4 points: #D(0,0) = (f_xx(0,0))*(f_yy(0,0)) - (f_xy(0,0))^2 = # = ((-2)*0)*(2*0) - (2*0 - 2*0 + 1)^2 = -1 #Because D(0,0) < 0, (0,0) is a saddle point #D(0,-1) = (f_xx(0,-1))*(f_yy(0,-1)) - (f_xy(0,-1))^2 = # = ((-2)*(-1))*(2*0) - (2*(-1) - 2*0 + 1)^2 = 0 - (-2 + 1)^2 = -1 #Because D(0,-1) < 0, (0,-1) is a saddle point #D(1,0) = (f_xx(1,0))*(f_yy(1,0)) - (f_xy(1,0))^2 = # = ((-2)*0)*(2*1) - (2*0 - 2*1 + 1)^2 = 0 - (-2 + 1)^2 = -1 #Because D(1,0) < 0, (1,0) is a saddle point #D(1/3, (-1)/3) = (f_xx(1/3, (-1)/3))*(f_yy(1/3, (-1)/3)) - (f_xy(1/3, (-1)/3))^2 = # = ((-2)*(-1)/3)*(2*1/3) - (2*(-1)/3 - 2*1/3 + 1)^2 = # = (2/3)*(2/3) - ((-2)/3 - 2/3 + 1)^2 = 3/9 = 1/3 #Because D(1/3, (-1)/3) > 0 and f_xx(1/3, (-1)/3) > 0, it is a local min #ANSWER: (0,0), (0,-1), and (1,0) are sadle points, #while (1/3, (-1)/3) is a local minimum #Exercise 7: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = 2*x - y + 1 #f_y = 2*y - x #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #2*y - x = 0 #x = 2*y #Substitute: #2*(2*y) - y + 1 = 0 #4*y - y = -1 #3*y = -1 #y = (-1)/3 #x = (-2)/3 #The critical point is ((-2)/3, (-1)/3) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = 2 #f_xy = -1 #f_yy = 2 #Find the determinant at the critical point: #D((-2)/3, (-1)/3) = (f_xx)*(f_yy) - (f_xy)^2 = # = (2)*(2) - (-1)^2 = 4 - 1 = 3 #Because D((-2)/3, (-1)/3) > 0 and f_xx((-1)/3, (-2)/3) > 2, #the point is a local minimum #ANSWER: ((-2)/3, (-1)/3) is a local minimum #Exercise 11: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = 4 - 9*x^2 - 2*y^2 #f_y = (-4)*x*y #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #(-4)*x*y = 0 #x or y is 0. So, let's test every option #At x = 0: #4 - 0 - 2*y^2 = 0 #2*y^2 = 4 #y = +-sqrt(2) #At y = 0: #4 - 9*x^2 - 0 = 0 #9*x^2 = 4 #x = +-(2/3) #Our critical points are: (0, sqrt(2)), (0, (-1)*sqrt(2)), #(2/3, 0), and ((-2)/3, 0) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = (-18)*x #f_xy = (-4)*y #f_yy = (-4)*x #Test every point with the Second Derivative Test: #D(0, sqrt(2)) = ((-18)*0)*((-4)*0) - ((-4)*sqrt(2))^2 = # = -32 #Because D(0,sqrt(2)) < 0, it is a saddle point #D(0, (-1)*sqrt(2)) = ((-18)*0)*((-4)*0) - ((-4)*(-1)*sqrt(2))^2 = # = -32 #Because D(0,(-1)*sqrt(2)) < 0, it is a saddle point #D(2/3,0) = ((-18)*(2/3))*((-4)*(2/3)) - ((-4)*0)^2 = # = (-12)*((-8)/3) - 0 = 32 #Because D(2/3,0) > 32 and f_xx(2/3,0) < 0, it is a local max #D((-2)/3,0) = ((-18)*((-2)/3))*((-4)*((-2)/3)) - ((-4)*0)^2 = # = (12)*((8)/3) - 0 = 32 #Because D((-2)/3,0) > 32 and f_xx((-2)/3,0) > 0, it is a local min #ANSWER: (0, +-sqrt(2)) are saddle points, (2/3,0) is a local maximum, #and ((-2)/3,0) is a local minimum #Exercise 13: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = 4*x^3 - 4*y #f_y = 4*y^3 - 4*x #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #4*x^3 = 4*y #x^3 = y #4*y^3 = 4*x #y^3 = x #So, our points are (0,0), (1,1) and (-1,-1) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = 12*x^2 #f_xy = -4 #f_yy = 12*y^2 #Test every point with the Second Derivative Test: #D(0,0) = (12*0^2)*(12*0^2) - (-4)^2 = 0 - 16 = -16 #Because D(0,0) < 0, it is a saddle point #D(1,1) = (12*1^2)*(12*1^2) - (-4)^2 = 144 - 16 = 128 #Because D(1,1) > 0 anf f_xx(1,1) > 0, it is a local min #D(-1,-1) = (12*(-1)^2)*(12*(-1)^2) - (-4)^2 = 144 - 16 = 128 #Because D(-1,-1) > 0 and f_xx(-1,-1) > 0, it is a local min #ANSWER: (0,0) is a saddle point, and (1,1) and (-1,-1) are local minima #Exercise 19: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = (1/x) - 1 #f_y = (2/y) - 4 #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #1/x = 1 #x = 1 #2/y = 4 #y = 0.5 #Our critical point is (1,0.5) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = (-1)/(x^2) #f_xy = 0 #f_yy = (-2)/(y^2) #Test the critical point with the Second Derivative Test: #D(1,0.5) = ((-1)/(1^2))*((-2)/(0.5^2)) - 0^2 = (-1)*(-0.5) = 0.5 #Because D(1,0.5) > 0 and f_xx(1,0.5) < 0, it is a local max #ANSWER: (1,0.5) is a local maximum #Exercise 21: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = 1 - (1/(x + y)) #f_y = (-2)*y - (1/(x + y)) #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #1 - (1/(x + y)) = 0 #(1/(x + y)) = 1 #x + y = 1 #(-2)*y - (1/(x + y)) = 0 #(-2)*y - 1 = 0 #(-2)*y = 1 #y = -0.5 #x = 1.5 #Our critical point is (1.5,-0.5) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = 1/(x + y)^2 #f_xy = 1/(x + y)^2 #f_yy = -2 + (1/(x + y)^2) #Test the critical point with the Second Derivative Test: #D(1.5,-0.5) = (1/(1.5 - 0.5)^2)*(-2 + (1/(1.5 - 0.5)^2)) - (1/(1.5 - 0.5)^2)^2 = # = (1)*(-1) - 1 = -2 #Because D(1.5,-0.5) < 0, it is a saddle point #ANSWER: (1.5,-0.5) is a saddle point #Exercise 23: #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = (x + 3*y)*((-2)*x*exp(y - x^2)) + exp(y - x^2) #f_y = (x + 3*y)*exp(y - x^2) + 3*exp(y - x^2) #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical points: #(x + 3*y)*exp(y - x^2) + 3*exp(y - x^2) = 0 #(x + 3*y + 3)*exp(y - x^2) = 0 #x + 3*y + 3 = 0 #x + 3*y = -3 #(x + 3*y)*((-2)*x*exp(y - x^2)) + exp(y - x^2) = 0 #(-2)*x^2 - 6*x*y + 1 = 0 #(-2)*x*(x + 3*y) + 1 = 0 #Substitute: #(-2)*x*(-3) + 1 = 0 #6*x = -1 #x = (-1)/6 #y = (-17)/18 #Our critical point is ((-1)/6, (-17)/18) #Next, find the second partial derivatives of f: #f_xx = (2*x^3 + 6*x^2 - 3*x - 3*y)*2*exp(y - x^2) #f_xy = (1 - 6*x*y - 2*x^2 - 6*x)*exp(y - x^2) #f_yy = (6 + x + 3*y)*exp(y - x^2) #Test the critical point with the Second Derivative Test: #D((-1)/6, (-17)/18) = used a calculator = 2.57 #Because D((-1)/6, (-17)/18) > 0, and f_xx((-1)/6, (-17)/18) > 0, #it is a local minimum #ANSWER: The point ((-1)/6, (-17)/18) is a local minimum #Exercise 29: #Absolute min = 0 and is at (0,0) and absolute max = 2 and is at (1,1) #Exercise 35: #a) #First, find the first partial derivatives of f: #f_x = 1 - 2*x - y #f_y = 1 - 2*y - x #Set both equations to 0 to find the critical point: #1 - 2*x - y = 0 #y = 1 - 2*x #Substitute: #1 - 2*(1 - 2*x) - x = 0 #1 - 2 + 4*x - x = 0 #3*x = 1 #x = 1/3 #y = 1/3 #The critical point is at (1/3, 1/3) #f(1/3, 1/3) = (1/3) + (1/3) - (1/3)^2 - (1/3)^2 - (1/3)(1/3) = # = 2/3 - 1/9 - 1/9 - 1/9 = (6 - 1 - 1 - 1)/9 = 1/3 #ANSWER: At the critical point (1/3,1/3), the function equals to 1/3 #b) #Find the derivative of the resulting function: #F_x = 1 - 2*x #Set it equal to 0: #1 - 2*x = 0 #2*x = 1 #x = 0.5 #f(0.5,0) = 0.5 - 0.5^2 = 0.25 #Next, find the resulting function at the edgepoints: #f(0,0) = 0 #f(2,0) = 2 - 2^2 = -2 #At the bottom edge, the absolute min is -2, and the absolute max is 0.25 #c) #To find the extreme values of the top edge, we set y equal to 2: #f(x,2) = x + 2 - x^2 - 2^2 - 2*x #f(x,2) = -x^2 - x - 2 #Find the derivative of the resulting function and set it to 0: #F_x = (-2)*x - 1 = 0 #(-2)*x = 1 #x = -0.5 #f(-0.5,2) = -(-0.5)^2 - (-0.5) - 2 = -(0.25) + 0.5 - 2 = -1.75 #Next, find the resulting function at the edgepoints: #f(0,2) = -2 #f(2,2) = -(2)^2 - 2 - 2 = -4 - 2 - 2 = -8 #At the top edge, the absolute min is -8, and the absolute max is -1.75 #To find the extreme values of the left edge, we set x equal to 0: #f(0,y) = y - y^2 #Find the derivative of the resulting function and set it to 0: #F_y = 1 - 2*y = 0 #2*y = 1 #y = 0.5 #f(0,0.5) = 0.5 - 0.5^2 = 0.25 #Next, find the resulting function at the edgepoints: #f(0,0) = 0 #f(0,2) = 2 - 2^2 = -2 #At the left egde, the absolute min is -2, and the absolute max is 0.25 #To find the extreme values of the right edge, we set x equal to 2: #f(2,y) = 2 + y - 2^2 - y^2 - 2*y #f(2,y) = -y^2 - y - 2 #Find the derivative of the resulting function and set it to 0: #F_y = (-2)*y - 1 = 0 #(-2)*y = 1 #y = -0.5 #f(2,-0.5) = -(-0.5)^2 - (-0.5) - 2 = -0.25 + 0.5 - 2 = -1.75 #Next, find the resulting function at the edgepoints: #f(2,0) = -2 #f(2,2) = -(2)^2 - 2 - 2 = -4 - 2 - 2 = -8 #At the right edge, the absolute min is -8, and the absolute max is -1.75 #d) #ANSWER: The maximum value of the function in that region is 1/3