#Irina Mukhametzhanova, Section 24 #This homework is OK to post #15.6 Homework #Exercise 1: #(a): #(u,0) -> (2*u,u+0) = (2*u,u) -> y = (1/2)*x #(0,v) -> (2*0,0+v) = (0,v) - > the y-axis #ANSWER: The image of the u-axis is the line y = (1/2)*x, and the #image of the v-axis is the y-axis #(b): #The four corners of the rectangle are (0,0), (5,0), (0,7) and (5,7). #So, convert every single corner: #(0,0) -> (2*0,0+0) = (0,0) #(5,0) -> (2*5,5+0) = (10,5) #(0,7) -> (2*0,0+7) = (0,7) #(5,7) -> (2*5,5+7) = (10,12) #ANSWER: The image is a parallelogram with vertices (0,0), (10,5), (0,7) and (10,12) #(c): #Convert the two endpoints of the line: #(1,2) -> (2*1,1+2) = (2,3) #(5,3) -> (2*5,5+3) = (10,8) #ANSWER: The image is a line segment connecting (2,3) and (10,8) #(d): #Convert every vertex of the triangle: #(0,1) -> (2*0,0+1) = (0,1) #(1,0) -> (2*1,1+0) = (2,1) #(1,1) -> (2*1,1+1) = (2,2) #ANSWER: The image is a triangle with vertices (0,1), (2,1) and (2,2) #Exercise 3: #G(u,v) is not one-to-one because of the u^2 - the result for u and -u is the same. #It is one-to-one for u<=0 and u>=0 #(a): #(u,0) -> (u^2,0) -> x>=0 #(0,v) -> (0,v) -> the y-axis #ANSWER: The image of the u-axis is the positive x-axis, and the image of #the v-axis is the y-axis #(b): #The four corners of the rectangle are (-1,-1), (-1,1), (1,1) and (1,-1). #We #So, convert every single corner: #(-1,-1) -> ((-1)^2,-1) = (1,-1) #(-1,1) -> ((-1)^2,1) = (1,1) #(1,1) -> (1^2,1) = (1,1) #(1,-1) -> (1^2,-1) = (1,-1) #There are repeating points because of the x^2 as the first component. #But, looking at the transformation itself, it could be inferred that #the new rectangle would be the same rectangle, but only its right half #ANSWER: The image is a rectangle with vertices at (0,-1), (0,1), (1,-1) and (1,1) #(c): #The line connecting (0,0) and (1,1) has a slope of 1, and can #be represented as u=v, and u has a range of 0<=u<=u #Looking at the conversion, we can see that u=sqrt(x), and v=y. #So, plugging it into u=v: #y=sqrt(x). #ANSWER: The image is a curve y=sqrt(x) for 0<=x<=1 #(d): #We have three line segments: #From (0,0) to (0,1), or v=0, #From (0,1) to (1,1), or u=1, #From (1,1) to (0,0), or v=u #Plug each of the lines into the conversion: #(0,v) -> (0^2,v) = (0,v) -> y-axis #(u,1) -> (u^2,1) -> x=1, on the positive side #Because u^2 = x, and y=v, our last line segment is the curve y=sqrt(x) for 0<=x<=1 #Our vertices remain the same. #ANSWER: The image is a triangle with vertices (0,0), (0,1) and (1,1), but #the curve that connects (0,0) and (1,1) is y=sqrt(x) for 0<=x<=1 #Exercise 13: #The formula for the Jacobian in 2D is: #J = |x_u x_v| # |y_u y_v| #So first, find all of the partial derivatives needed: #x_u = 3 #x_v = 4 #y_u = 1 #y_v = -2 #Plug the into the matrix: #J = |3 4| # |1 -2| = 3*(-2) - 4*1 = -6-4 = -10 #ANSWER: The Jacobian for this transformation is -10 #Exercise 15: #The formula for the Jacobian in 2D is: #J = |x_r x_t| # |y_r y_t| #So first, find all of the partial derivatives needed: #x_r = sin(t) #x_t = r*cos(t) #y_r = 1 #y_t = sin(t) #Plug in the point (1,Pi) in each derivative: #x_r(1,Pi) = sin(Pi) = 0 #x_t(1,Pi) = 1*cos(Pi) = -1 #y_r(1,Pi) = 1 #y_t(1,Pi) = sin(Pi) = 0 #Plug the into the matrix: #J = |0 -1| # |1 0| = 0*0 - 1*(-1) = 0+1 = 1 #ANSWER: The Jacobian for this transformation is 1 #Exercise 17: #The formula for the Jacobian in 2D is: #J = |x_r x_theta| # |y_r y_theta| #So first, find all of the partial derivatives needed: #x_r = cos(theta) #x_theta = (-1)*r*sin(theta) #y_r = sin(theta) #y_theta = r*cos(theta) #Plug in the point (4,Pi/6) in each derivative: #x_r(4,Pi/6) = cos(Pi/6) = sqrt(3)/2 #x_theta(4,Pi/6) = (-1)*4*sin(Pi/6) = (-4)*(1/2) = -2 #y_r(4,Pi/6) = sin(Pi/6) = 1/2 #y_theta(4,Pi/6) = 4*cos(Pi/6) = 2*sqrt(3) #Plug the into the matrix: #J = |sqrt(3)/2 -2 | # |1/2 2*sqrt(3)| = sqrt(3)*sqrt(3) - (1/2)*(-2) = 3 + 1 = 4 #ANSWER: The Jacobian for this transformation is 4 #Exercise 19: #The four vertices of the original rectangle are (0,0), (0,1), (1,1) and (1,0) #The four vertices of the resulting parallelogram are (0,0), (2,3), (6,4) and (4,1) #We can use a system of equations to solve for x-component first: #2 = a*0 + b*1 #6 = a*1 + b*1 #4 = a*1 + b*0 #So, a=4 and b=2. #Do the same for the y-component: #3 = a*0 + b*1 #4 = a*1 + b*1 #1 = a*1 + b*0 #So, a=1 and b=3. #Our tranformation is: #G(u,v) = (4*u+2*v,u+3*v) #ANSWER: G(u,v) = (4*u+2*v,u+3*v) #Exercise 23: #To find the area of G(R), we take the area of the original region R #and multiply it by the absolute value of the transformation's Jacobian. #For that, we need to find the Jacobian first: #J = |x_u x_v| = |3 1| # |y_u u_v| |1 -2| = 3*(-2) - 1*1 = -6-1 = -7 #(a): #The area of the original rectangle is: #(3-0) * (5-0) = 3*5 = 15 #Calculate the new area: #|-7|*15 = 7*15 = 105 #ANSWER: The area of G(R) is 105 #(b): #The area of the original rectangle is: #(5-2) * (7-1) = 3*6 = 18 #Calculate the new area: #|-7|*18 = 7*18 = 126 #ANSWER: The area of G(R) is 126 #16.1 Homework #Exercise 1: #For P: #(1,2) -> <1^2,1> = <1,1> #For Q: #(-1,1) -> <(-1)^2,-1> = <1,-1> #ANSWER: In the sketch, there will be a vector <1,1> at the point (1,2), #and a vector <1,-1> at the point (-1,1) #Exercise 3: #For P: #(0,1,1) -> <0*1,1^2,0> = <0,1,0> #For Q: #(2,1,0) -> <2*1,0^2,2> = <2,0,2> #ANSWER: In the sketch, there will be a vector <0,1,0> at the point (0,1,1), #and a vector <2,0,2> at the point (2,1,0) #Exercise 5: #We can draw the vector field using Maple: with(plots); fieldplot(<1, 0>, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3); #ANSWER: From the drawing, we can see that at every point in the rectangle, #all vectors are the i-vector. #Exercise 7: #We can draw the vector field using Maple: with(plots); fieldplot(, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3); #ANSWER: From the drawing, we can see that every vector points in the direction #of its starting point's x-value #Exercise 9: #We can draw the vector field using Maple: with(plots); fieldplot(<0, x>, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3); #ANSWER: From the drawing, we can see that every vector points in the direction #parallel to the y-axis, with the magnitude of its x-value. Its direction is determined #by whether the x-value is negative or not. #Exercise 11: #We can draw the vector field using Maple: with(plots); fieldplot(, x = -3 .. 3, y = -3 .. 3); #ANSWER: From the drawing, we can see that every vector points away from the origin, #with the vectors decreasing in length the farther away they are from the origin #Exercise 17: #ANSWER: C, because all of the vectors are constant length and point in one direction #Exercise 23: #The formula for div(F) is: #div(F) = delta . F = dFx/dx + dFy/dy + dFz/dz #So first, we find each of the required partial derivatives: #dFx/dx = y #dFy/dy = z #dFz/dz = 0 #Add the results: #div(F) = y+z #The formula for curl(F) is: #curl(F) = delta x F = |i j k | # |d/dx d/dy d/dz| # |Fx Fy Fz | = # = i*(dFz/dy - dFy/dz) - j*(dFz/dx - dFx/dz) + k*(dFy/dx - dFx/dy) #Find all of the partial derivatives needed: #dFz/dy = 2*y #dFy/dz = y #dFz/dx = -3*x^2 #dFx/dz = 0 #dFy/dx = 0 #dFx/dy = x #Plug them into the formula: #curl(F) = i*(2*y - y) - j*(-3*x^2 - 0) + k*(0 - x) = # = (y)*i + (3*x^2)*j - (x)*k = #ANSWER: div(F) = y+z, curl(F) = #Exercise 25: #The formula for div(F) is: #div(F) = delta . F = dFx/dx + dFy/dy + dFz/dz #So first, we find each of the required partial derivatives: #dFx/dx = 1-4*z*x #dFy/dy = -x #dFz/dz = 2*z*x^2 #Add the results: #div(F) = 1 - 4*z*x - x + 2*z*x^2 #The formula for curl(F) is: #curl(F) = delta x F = |i j k | # |d/dx d/dy d/dz| # |Fx Fy Fz | = # = i*(dFz/dy - dFy/dz) - j*(dFz/dx - dFx/dz) + k*(dFy/dx - dFx/dy) #Find all of the partial derivatives needed: #dFz/dy = 0 #dFy/dz = 1 #dFz/dx = 2*z^2*x #dFx/dz = -2*x^2 #dFy/dx = -y #dFx/dy = 0 #Plug them into the formula: #curl(F) = i*(0 - 1) - j*(2*z^2*x + 2*x^2) + k*(-y - 0) = # = (-1)*i - (2*z^2*x + 2*x^2)*j - (y)*k = <-1, 2*z^2*x + 2*x^2, -y> #ANSWER: div(F) = 1 - 4*z*x - x + 2*z*x^2, curl(F) = <-1, 2*z^2*x + 2*x^2, -y> #Exercise 27: #The formula for div(F) is: #div(F) = delta . F = dFx/dx + dFy/dy + dFz/dz #So first, we find each of the required partial derivatives: #dFx/dx = 0 #dFy/dy = 0 #dFz/dz = 0 #Add the results: #div(F) = 0 #The formula for curl(F) is: #curl(F) = delta x F = |i j k | # |d/dx d/dy d/dz| # |Fx Fy Fz | = # = i*(dFz/dy - dFy/dz) - j*(dFz/dx - dFx/dz) + k*(dFy/dx - dFx/dy) #Find all of the partial derivatives needed: #dFz/dy = 1 #dFy/dz = 3*z^2 #dFz/dx = 2*x #dFx/dz = 1 #dFy/dx = 1 #dFx/dy = -2*y #Plug them into the formula: #curl(F) = i*(1 - 3*z^2) - j*(2*x - 1) + k*(1 + 2*y) = # = (1 - 3*z^2)*i - (2*x - 1)*j + (1 + 2*y)*k = <1 - 3*z^2, 1 - 2*x, 1 + 2*y> #ANSWER: div(F) = 0, curl(F) = <1 - 3*z^2, 1 - 2*x, 1 + 2*y>