#Irina Mukhametzhanova, Section 24 #This homework is OK to post #16.2 Homework #Exercise 3: #a) #The path C is represented parametrically as: #x = t, y = 1/t #To find F(r(t)), we plug in the equations above into x and y variables of F: #F(r(t)) = <(1/t)^2, t^2> = <1/t^2, t^2> #And to find dr, we take the derivative with respect to t of each of its components #and multiply them by dt: #dr = <1, -1/t^2>*dt #ANSWER: F(r(t)) = <1/t^2, t^2>, dr = <1, -1/t^2>*dt #b) #Our t-bounds for the curve would be 1<=t<=2, making it also be the line #integral's bounds #We first find the dot product of the results above: #F(r(t)) . dr = <1/t^2, t^2> . <1, -1/t^2>*dt = (1/t^2 - t^2/t^2)*dt = (1/t^2 - 1)*dt #Plug this and the t-bounds into the integral: #int(1/t^2 - 1,t=1..2) = -1/t - t,t=1..2 = -1/2 - 2 + 1/1 + 1 = -1/2 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is -1/2 #Exercise 9: #First, we need the parametric representation of the curve: #x = t, y = t^3, for 0<=t<=1 #The formula for the line integral of a function f(x,y) is: #intC(f(x,y)*ds), where ds = sqrt(x_t^2 + y_t^2) #First, let's find ds. Find all of the derivatives needed: #x_t = 1 #y_t = 3*t^2 #And plug them into the ds formula: #sqrt(1^2 + (3*t^2)^2) = sqrt(1 + 9*t^4) #Now, represent the function f using the parametric equations above: #f(t) = sqrt(1 + 9*t*t^3) = sqrt(1 + 9*t^4) #Plug both results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(sqrt(1 + 9*t^4)*sqrt(1 + 9*t^4),t=0..1) = # = int(1 + 9*t^4,t=0..1) = t + (9/5)*t^5,t=0..1 = 1 + (9/5) = 14/5 = 2.8 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 2/8 #Exercise 11: #The parametric representation of the curve is: #x = 2*t, y = 3*t, z=4*t, for 0<=t<=2 #The formula for the line integral of a function f(x,y,z) is: #intC(f(x,y,z)*ds), where ds = sqrt(x_t^2 + y_t^2 + z_t^2) #First, let's find ds. Find all of the derivatives needed: #x_t = 2 #y_t = 3 #z_t = 4 #And plug them into the ds formula: #sqrt(2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2) = sqrt(4 + 9 + 16) = sqrt(29) #Now, represent the function f using the parametric equations above: #f(t) = (4*t)^2 = 16*t^2 #Plug both results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(sqrt(29)*16*t^2,t=0..2) = (sqrt(29)*16/3)*t^3,t=0..2 = (sqrt(29)*16/3)*8 ≈ 229.8 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is about 229.8 #Exercise 13: #The piecewise path can be represented parametrically in two parts: #Part 1: x=0, y=2*t, z=1-t, for 0<=t<=1 #Part 2: x=t, y=1-t, z=t, for 0<=t<=1 #The formula for the line integral of a function f(x,y,z) is: #intC(f(x,y,z)*ds), where ds = sqrt(x_t^2 + y_t^2 + z_t^2) #First, let's find ds for each path, starting with path 1: #x_t = 0, y_t = 2, z_t = -1 #ds1 = sqrt(0 + 2^2 + (-1)^2) = sqrt(4+1) = sqrt(5) #And the same for part 2: #x_t = 1, y_t = -1, z_t = 1 #ds2 = sqrt(1^2 + (-1)^2 + 1^2) = sqrt(3) #Now, represent the function f using the parametric equations above for part 1: #f(t) = 0*exp((1-t)^2) = 0 #And the same for part 2: #f(t) = t*exp(t^2) #Using the results above, make two line integrals (one for each part) and add them #together: #int(0*sqrt(5),t=0..1) + int(t*exp(t^2)*sqrt(3),t=0..1) = int(t*exp(t^2)*sqrt(3),t=0..1) -> # -> substitute u = t^2, du = 2*t*dt, dt = du/(2*t) -> int((sqrt(3)/2)*exp(u),u=0..1) = #sqrt(3)/2)*exp(u),u=0..1 = (sqrt(3)/2)*exp(1) - sqrt(3)/2 ≈ 1.488 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is about 1.488 #Exercise 17: #The parametric representation of the curve is: #x = 4*t, y = -3*t, z=12*t, for 2<=t<=5 #The formula for the line integral of a function f(x,y,z) is: #intC(f(x,y,z)*ds), where ds = sqrt(x_t^2 + y_t^2 + z_t^2) #First, let's find ds. Find all of the derivatives needed: #x_t = 4 #y_t = -3 #z_t = 12 #And plug them into the ds formula: #sqrt(4^2 + (-3)^2 + 12^2) = sqrt(16 + 9 + 144) = sqrt(169) = 13 #The function stays the same, since it is just a constant 1. #Plug both results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(13,t=2..5) = 13*t,t=2..5 = 13*5 - 13*2 = 65 - 26 = 39 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 39, and it represents the magnitude of #the line from t=2 to t=5 #Exercise 27: #First, we need the parametric representation of the curve: #x = t, y = t^2, for 0<=t<=2 #To find dx and dy, we need to find dx/dt and dy/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = dt #dy = 2*t*dt #Represent the functions of x and y inside the integral as a function of t: #P = y = t^2 #Q = x = t #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(t^2 - 2*t*t,t=0..2) = int(t^2 - 2*t^2,t=0..2) = int((-1)*t^2,t=0..2) = # = (-1/3)*t^3,t=0..2 = -8/3 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is -8/3 #Exercise 29: #First, we need the parametric representation of the curve: #x = t, y = 4*t, z=4*t for 0<=t<=1 #To find dx, dy and dz, we need to find dx/dt, dy/dt and dz/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = dt #dy = 4*dt #dz = 4*dt #Represent the functions of x, y and z inside the integral as a function of t: #P = (x-y) = t-4*t = -3*t #Q = (y-z) = 4*t-4*t = 0 #R = z = 4*t #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(-3*t + 0 + 4*t*4,t=0..1) = int(-3*t + 16*t,t=0..1) = int(13*t,t=0..1) = # = (13/2)*t^2,t=0..1 = 13/2 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 13/2 #Exercise 31: #First, we need the parametric representation of the curve: #x = r*cos(t), y = r*sin(t), for 0<=t<=Pi/2 #The radius of the path is 1. So, our final representation is: #x = cos(t), y = sin(t), for 0<=t<=Pi/2 #To find dx and dy, we need to find dx/dt and dy/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = -sin(t)*dt #dy = cos(t)*dt #Represent the functions of x and y inside the integral as a function of t: #P = -y = -sin(t) #Q = x = cos(t) #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int((sin(t)^2 + cos(t)^2)/(sin(t)^2 + cos(t)^2),t=0..Pi/2) = int(1,t=0..Pi/2) = # = t,t=0..Pi/2 = Pi/2 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is Pi/2 #Exercise 35: #There are 3 parts to that path that can be represented parametrically: #Part 1: x=0, y=0, z=t, for 0<=t<=1 #Part 2: x=0, y=t, z=1, for 0<=t<=t #Part 3: x=-t, y=1, z=1, for 0<=t<=1 #Make a line integral for part 1 by finding its dx, dy, and dz and representing the F #field as a field of t: #dx = 0, dy = 0, dz = dt #F(t) = = (exp(t), 1, 1) #So, the part 1 integral would be: #int(exp(t)*0 + 1*0 + 1*1,t=0..1) = int(1,t=0..1) = t,t=0..1 = 1 #Next, make a line integral for part 2 by finding its dx, dy, and dz and representing the F #field as a field of t: #dx = 0, dy = dt, dz = 0 #F(t) = #So, the part 1 integral would be: #int(exp(1)*0 + exp(-t)*1 + exp(t)*0,t=0..1) = int(exp(-t),t=0..1) = (-1)*exp(-t),t=0..1 = # = (-1)*exp(-1) + exp(0) = 1 - exp(-1) #Lastly, make a line integral for part 2 by finding its dx, dy, and dz and representing #the F field as a field of t: #dx = -dt, dy = 0, dz = 0 #F(t) = #So, the part 1 integral would be: #int(exp(1)*(-1) + exp(-t-1)*0 + exp(1)*0,t=0..1) = int(exp(1)*(-1),t=0..1) = # = (-1)*exp(1)*t,t=0..1 = (-1)*exp(1) #Finally, add all of the line integrals together: # 1 + 1 - exp(-1) - exp(1) = 2 - exp(-1) - exp(1) #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 2 - exp(-1) - exp(1) #16.3 Homework #Exercise 1: #First, let's find F, if we know that F=grad(f): #F = = #We need to check that the function is path-independent, or that dP/dy = dQ/dx: #dP/dy = sin(y*z) + y*z*cos(y*z) #dQ/dx = sin(y*z) + y*z*cos(y*z) #dP/dy = dQ/dx, so, the function is path-independent, meaning we can taky any path from #the starting point to the ending point and still get the same value for the line integral. #We can pick a path and take its parametric representation: #x = t, y = t, z = Pi*t, for 0<=t<=1 #To find F(r(t)), we plug in the equations above into x and y variables of F: #F(r(t)) = #And to find dr, we take the derivative with respect to t of each of its components #and multiply them by dt: #dr = <1, 1, Pi>*dt #We first find the dot product of the results above: #F(r(t)) . dr = . # . <1, 1, Pi>*dt = (t*sin(Pi*t^2) + t*sin(Pi*t^2) + Pi*t^3*cos(Pi*t^2) + Pi*t^3*cos(Pi*t^2))*dt #Plug this and the t-bounds into the integral, and use Maple to find the answer: int(t*sin(Pi*t^2) + t*sin(Pi*t^2) + Pi*t^3*cos(Pi*t^2) + Pi*t^3*cos(Pi*t^2),t=0..1); #Result: 0 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 0 #Exercise 3: #We can check if F=grad(f) by taking the partial derivatives of f and see if they are equal #to the components of F: #f_x = 3 == 3 #f_y = 6*y == 6*y #Our parametric representation is: #x = t, y = 2/t, for 1<=t<=4 #To find F(r(t)), we plug in the equations above into x and y variables of F: #F(r(t)) = <3, 6*2/t> = <3, 12/t> #And to find dr, we take the derivative with respect to t of each of its components #and multiply them by dt: #dr = <1, (-2)/t^2>*dt #Our t-bounds for the curve would be 1<=t<=4, making it also be the line #integral's bounds #We first find the dot product of the results above: #F(r(t)) . dr = <3, 12/t> . <1, (-2)/t^2>*dt = (3 - 24/t^3)*dt #Plug this and the t-bounds into the integral: #int(3 - 24/t^3,t=1..4) = 3*t + 12/t^2,t=1..4 = 3*4 + 12/16 - 3*1 - 12 = 12 + 3/4 - 3 - 12 = # = (3-12)/4 = -9/4 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is -9/4 #Exercise 5: #We can check if F=grad(f) by taking the partial derivatives of f and see if they are equal #to the components of F: #f_x = y*exp(z) == y*exp(z) #f_y = x*exp(z) == x*exp(z) #f_z = x*y*exp(z) == x*y*exp(z) #Our parametric representation is: #x = t^2, y = t^3, z=t-1, for 1<=t<=2 #To find F(r(t)), we plug in the equations above into x and y variables of F: #F(r(t)) = #And to find dr, we take the derivative with respect to t of each of its components #and multiply them by dt: #dr = <2*t, 3*t^2, 1>*dt #Our t-bounds for the curve would be 1<=t<=2, making it also be the line #integral's bounds #We first find the dot product of the results above: #F(r(t)) . dr = . <2*t, 3*t^2, 1>*dt = # = (2*t^4*exp(t-1) + 3*t^4*exp(t-1) + t^5*exp(t-1))*dt #Plug this and the t-bounds into the integral, and use Maple to find the answer: int(2*t^4*exp(t-1) + 3*t^4*exp(t-1) + t^5*exp(t-1),t=1..2); #Result: -1 + 32*exp(1) #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 32*exp(1) - 1 #Exercise 9: #We can check if F is conservative if its dP/dy is equal to dQ/dx: #dP/dy = 2*y #dQ/dx = 2*y #dP/dy = dQ/dx, so, F is conservative and we can find its potential function. #Since P = f_x, we can integrate it with respect to x to find f: #int(y^2,x) = y^2*x + g(y,z), where g(y,z) is like an arbitrary constant. #To find g(y,z), we can take the derivative with respect to y of the result, and then #integrate the resulting g_y: #(y^2*x + g(y,z))_y = 2*x*y + exp(z) #2*x*y + g_y = 2*x*y + exp(z) #g_y = exp(z) -> g(y,z) = exp(z)*y #So, our updated function f is: #y^2*x + exp(z)*y + h(z) #To find h(z), we can take the derivative with respect to z of the result, and then #integrate the resulting h_z: #(y^2*x + exp(z)*y + h(z))_z = y*exp(z) #exp(z)*y + h_z = exp(z)*y #h_z = 0 -> h(z) = 0 #So, our final potential function is: #y^2*x + exp(z)*y #ANSWER: The potential function is f(x,y,z) = y^2*x + exp(z)*y #Exercise 13: #We can check if F is conservative if its dP/dy is equal to dQ/dx: #dP/dy = 0 #dQ/dx = 0 #dP/dy = dQ/dx, so, F is conservative and we can find its potential function. #Since Q = f_y, we can integrate it with respect to y to find f: #int(z,y) = z*y + g(x,z), where g(x,z) is like an arbitrary constant. #To find g(x,z), we can take the derivative with respect to z of the result, and then #integrate the resulting g_z: #(z*y + g(x,z))_z = y + tan(x) #y + g_z = y + tan(x) #g_z = tan(x) -> g(x,z) = tan(x)*z #So, our updated function f is: #z*y + tan(x)*z + h(x) #To find h(x), we can take the derivative with respect to x of the result, and then #integrate the resulting h_x: #(z*y + tan(x)*z + h(x))_x = z*sec(x)^2 #z*sec(x)^2 + h_x = z*sec(x)^2 #h_x = 0 -> h(x) = 0 #So, our final potential function is: #z*y + tan(x)*z #ANSWER: The potential function is f(x,y,z) = z*y + tan(x)*z #Exercise 15: #We can check if F is conservative if its dP/dy is equal to dQ/dx: #dP/dy = 2*x #dQ/dx = 2*x #dP/dy = dQ/dx, so, F is conservative and we can find its potential function. #Since P = f_x, we can integrate it with respect to x to find f: #int(z,y) = x^2*y + 5*x + g(y,z), where g(y,z) is like an arbitrary constant. #To find g(y,z), we can take the derivative with respect to y of the result, and then #integrate the resulting g_y: #(x^2*y + 5*x + g(y,z))_y = x^2 - 4*z #x^2 + g_y = x^2 - 4*z #g_y = -4*z -> g(x,z) = -4*y*z #So, our updated function f is: #x^2*y + 5*x - 4*y*z + h(z) #To find h(z), we can take the derivative with respect to z of the result, and then #integrate the resulting h_z: #(x^2*y + 5*x - 4*y*z + h(z))_z = -4*y #-4*y + h_z = -4*y #h_z = 0 -> h(z) = 0 #So, our final potential function is: #x^2*y + 5*x - 4*y*z #ANSWER: The potential function is f(x,y,z) = x^2*y + 5*x - 4*y*z #Exercise 17: #If we prove that F is path-independent, we can pick a parametric representation #that is easier to integrate. To prove this, we need to check that F's dP/dy is equal #to its dQ/dx: #dP/dy = 2*x*z #dQ/dx = 2*x*z #They are equal, so, we can make a different parametric representation: #r(0) = <0,sin(0),exp(0)> = <0,0,1> #r(2) = <4,sin(Pi/2),exp(0)> = <4,1,1> #Our new parametric equations are: #x=4*t, y=t, z=1, for 0<=t<=1 #To find dx, dy and dz, we need to find dx/dt, dy/dt and dz/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = 4*dt #dy = dt #dz = 0 #Represent the functions of x, y and z inside the integral as a function of t: #P = 2*x*y*z = 2*4*t*t*1 = 8*t^2 #Q = x^2*z = 16*t^2*1 = 16*t^2 #R = x^2*y = 16*t^2*t = 16*t^3 #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(32*t^2 + 16*t^2 + 0,t=0..1) = int(48*t^2,t=0..1) = 16*t^3,t=0..1 = 16 #ANSWER: The value of the line integral is 16 #Exercise 19: #F = graf(f), so: #F = = <2*x*y, x^2, -1> #First path::::: #Our parametric equations are: #x=t, y=t, z=0, for 0<=t<=1 #To find dx, dy and dz, we need to find dx/dt, dy/dt and dz/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = dt #dy = dt #dz = 0 #Represent the functions of x, y and z inside the integral as a function of t: #P = 2*x*y = 2*t^2 #Q = x^2 = t^2 #R = -1 #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(2*t^2 + t^2 + 0,t=0..1) = int(3*t^2,t=0..1) = t^3,t=0..1 = 1 #Second path::::: #Our parametric equations are: #x=t, y=t^2, z=0, for 0<=t<=1 #To find dx, dy and dz, we need to find dx/dt, dy/dt and dz/dt and multiply those by dt: #dx = dt #dy = 2*t*dt #dz = 0 #Represent the functions of x, y and z inside the integral as a function of t: #P = 2*x*y = 2*t^3 #Q = x^2 = t^2 #R = -1 #Plug the results into the integral, with the appropriate t-bounds: #int(2*t^3 + 2*t^3 + 0,t=0..1) = int(4*t^3,t=0..1) = t^4,t=0..1 = 1 #ANSWER: Both line integrals are equal to 1