#ATTENDANCE QUIZ for Lecture 7 of Math251(Dr. Z.) #EMAIL RIGHT AFTER YOU WATCHED THE VIDEO #BUT NO LATER THAN Sept. 28, 2020, 8:00PM (Rutgers time) #THIS .txt FILE (EDITED WITH YOUR ANSWERS) #TO: #DrZcalc3@gmail.com #Subject: aq7 #with an ATTACHMENT CALLED: #aq7FirstLast.txt #(e.g. aq7DoronZeilberger.txt) #LIST ALL THE ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED BY THEIR ANSWERS # Question 1: # Let a be the 5th digit of your RUID, let b be the 2nd digit of your RUID # Let f(x,y) = x^a + b*x^(2a)*y^3 # Find the two partial derivatives of f(x,y) # Answer: # For me a=0 and b=9, so # f(x,y) = 1 + 9y^3 # f_x(x,y) = 0 # f_y(x,y) = 27y^2 # Question 2: # With a and b as above, find f_x(z(x,y)) and f_y(z(x,y)) if x,y,z are related by # x^a * y^2 * z^b + x^2 * y^(3b) *z^3 = exp(x*y*z) # Answer: # For me a=0 and b=9, so the equation is # y^2*z^9 + x^2*y^27*z^3 = exp(x*y*z) # f_x(z(x,y)): # y^2*9z^8*z' + 2x*y^27*z^3 + x^2*y^27*3z^2*z' = exp(x*y*z) * (y*z + x*y*z') # y^2*9z^8*z' + x^2*y^27*3z^2*z' - exp(x*y*z)*x*y*z' = exp(x*y*z)*y*z - 2x*y^27*z^3 # z' * (y^2*9z^8 + x^2*y^27*3z^2 - exp(x*y*z)*x*y) = exp(x*y*z)*y*z - 2x*y^27*z^3 # z' = (exp(x*y*z)*y*z - 2x*y^27*z^3) / (y^2*9z^8 + x^2*y^27*3z^2 - exp(x*y*z)*x*y) # f_y(z(x,y)): # 2y*z^9 + y^2*9z^8*z' + x^2*27y^26*z^3 + x^2*y^27*3z^2*z' = exp(x*y*z) * (x*z + x*y*z') # y^2*9z^8*z' + x^2*y^27*3z^2*z' - exp(x*y*z)*x*y*z' = exp(x*y*z)*x*z - 2y*z^9 - x^2*27y^26*z^3 # z' * (y^2*9z^8 + x^2*y^27*3z^2 - exp(x*y*z)*x*y) = exp(x*y*z)*x*z - 2y*z^9 - x^2*27y^26*z^3 # z' = (exp(x*y*z)*x*z - 2y*z^9 - x^2*27y^26*z^3) / (y^2*9z^8 + x^2*y^27*3z^2 - exp(x*y*z)*x*y) # Question 3: # Do the second part, find f_y(1,1) # x^2 + y^2 = x*y*z + x*y*z^5 # Answer: # Differentiate with respect to y # (x^2)' + (y^2)' = (x*y*z)' + (x*y*z^5)' # 2y = x*z + x*y*z' + x*z^5 + x*y*5z^4 # plug in (x,y,z) = (1,1,1) # 2 = 1 + 1z' + 1 + 5z' # 0 = 6z' # z' = 0 # Question 4: # Is the answer the same, is f_y(1,1) also 0? # Could you have predicted it without doing the calculation? # Answer: # Yes the answer is the same. # We could predict this because x and y have the same coefficients and powers on both sides. # Another way to explain this is that if you switched x and y in the relationship equation, # it would still be the same equation. # Question 5: # Let a and b be as above # Find the equation of the tangent plane to the surface # z = x^a + y^b + a*b*x*y # at the point (1,1,2+a*b) # Answer: # surface equation for me: # z = 1 + y^9 # find the tangent plane at (1,1,2) # 2 = 1+1^9 = 2 # this point is on the surface # z_x = 0 # z_y = 9y^8 # equation of tangent plane: # z-2 = 0(x-1) + 9(y-1) # z = 9y - 7