read `/Users/emilykukura/Google Drive/Masters Project/InvolutionPrinciple.txt`: print(): printf("****************************************************\n"): printf("****************************************************\n\n"): t1:=time(): g := generateEG(20, 12): printf("A random example with |A| = 20 and |A`| = 12 is:"): print(): g[1]; print(): printf("The bijection h: complement(A`) -> complement(B`) constructed from these values is:"): print(): g[2]; print(): printf("The [total, average] number of iterations needed to find h was:"): print(): g[3]; print(): t2:=time(): print(): printf("This took %f seconds.", t2-t1): print(): printf("****************************************************\n"): printf("****************************************************\n\n"): t1:=time(): g := generateEG(1000, 980): printf("A random example with |A| = 1000 and |A`| = 980 results in the construction of a bijection h: complement(A`) -> complement(B`) given by: "): print(): g[2]; print(): printf("The [total, average] number of iterations needed to find h was:"): print(): g[3]; print(): t2:=time(): print(): printf("This took %f seconds.", t2-t1): print(): printf("****************************************************\n"): printf("****************************************************\n\n"): t1:=time(): g := generateEG(10000, 9980): printf("A random example with |A| = 10000 and |A`| = 9980 results in the construction\n of a bijection h: complement(A`) -> complement(B`) given by: "): print(): g[2]; print(): printf("The [total, average] number of iterations needed to find h was:"): print(): g[3]; print(): t2:=time(): print(): printf("This took %f seconds.", t2-t1): print():