attendance quiz q1. who proved PI is irrational? Johann Heinrich Lambert q2. who proved that pi is transcendental Ferdinand von Lindemann q3. Prove that sqrt(3) is irrational if sqrt(3) is rational then it can be repreented as a/b where a and b hve no common factors a^2=3b^2 if b is even, then a is also even in which case a/b is not in simplest form if b is odd then a is also odd therefore: a=2n+1 b= 2m+1 (2n+1)^2=3(2m+1)^2 4n^2+4n+1=12m^2+12m+3 4n^2+4n=12m^2+12m+2 2n^2+2n=6m^2+6m+1 2(n^2+n) = 2(3m^2+3m) + 1 since (n^2+n) is an int, then the left hand side is even. Since (3m^2+3m) is an integer, the right hand side is odd. This is a controdiction and our hypothesis is false. Next attendance question: why is htis rational number important and famous? I didn't get this one very well Part II: 1. Convert the fraction 11/4 into a simple continued fraction. 11/4 = 2+3/4=2+1/(4/3) = 2+1/(1+1/3) -> [2,1,3]