1. According to the internet, who is the greatest mathematician? - Carl Friedrich Gauss (there was a list but here was first) 2. What was the undergraduate university that Dennis DeTurck, now penn prof. - Rutgers University 3. What university or isntitute did S in RSA get his PHD from? - Stanford University Part II: 1. (a) Use the greedy algorithm to express 7/12 as an Egyptian fraction. Use this to equally divide 7 pizzas among 12 people. ceil(12/7)=2 1/2 + EF(7/12-1/2) = 1/2 + EF(1/12) DONE EF(7/12) = 1/2 + 1/12 (b) Note that a better way to express 7/12 as an Egyptian fraction is 7/12 = 1/3 + 1/4.Use this better way to equally divide 7 pizzas among 12 people. Why is it better? It is because this solution is unique in that all fractions are fully reduced. a/b + c/d = (ad + cb)/bd 7/12 = 1/3 + 1/4 = 4/12 + 3/12 2. Find the two smallest positive integers n, that have the property that • If you divide n by 3 you get remainder 1 . • If you divide n by 5 you get remainder 2 . The first number can be found by the dictionary = 7 then you get the gcf of the the 3 and 5. You get numbers that follow those rules by taking the first one 7 + gcf(3,5)k where k is an int so second smallest is 7 +15(1) = 22!!! dictionary: f(0)=(0,0) f(1)=(1,1) f(2)=(2,2) f(3)=(0,3) f(4)=(1,4) f(5)=(2,0) f(6)=(1,0) f(7)=(1,2) f(8)=(2,3) f(9)=(0,4) f(10)=(1,0) f(11)=(2,1) f(12)=(0,2) f(13)=(1,3) f(14)=(2,4)