hw8 Kishan Patel 10/10/21 1) sqrt(2)=p/q p and q cannot have the same root 2=p^2/q^2 p^2=2q^2 This makes p^2 even, but then q must be divisible by 4, so both p & q are even numbers, however they cannot have any common factors making the statement false. thus cannot be rational 2) we have 2 right triangles, one within another. The big hypotneus is M+N, the leg is M. The smaller triangle has 2 legs, that are both equal as well as the other leg subtracted by the hypotneus of the small triangle are all the same length. The hypotenuse length is M-(N-M) making a whole number. sqrt(2)=sqrt(2)(sqrt(2)-1)/(sqrt(2)-1) =(2-sqrt(2))/(sqrt(2)-1) =(2-n/m)/(n/m-1) =(2m-n)/(n-m) 3) a) 29/16=1+1/(1+1/(4+1/3)) b) 32/19=1+1/(1+1/(2+1/6)) 4) 1+sqrt(2)=1+1+1/(2+1/(2+1/(2+...))) [2;2] This is an irrational number, as the continued fraction developed, repeats the 2+1/(2+1/(...)) thus creating an infinite looping of the fraction. 5) (1+sqrt(3))/2=1+1/(2+1/(1+1/(2+1/(1+...)))) [1;2,1] With the repeating number of 2 and 1 alternating forever, this number becomes an irrational number