Kishan Patel 9/26 HW4 1) a) A will never catch up to T, as everytime the A reaches to the past position that T was at, T has travelled a further distance. Then A move to T's next position, however T has continued to move forward, this will continue as A will always catch up to T's past position, but never the actual position b) v_a*t=v_t*t+di 200*t=50t+50 150t=50 t=1/3 hr c) 1/4+1/16+1/64+1/256+1/1024 sum((1/4)^n) =1/4*sum(x^n) =1/(1-x) =(1/4)*1/(1-.25)=1/3 d) 1/4+1/16+1/64=21/64 The next step is smaller than 1/64, so add 1/64 21/64+1/64=22/64 thus A passed T, then they passed between 21/64 and 22/64 2) sum(x^n)=(1-x^(n+1))/(1-x) n=0 sum(x^n)(x-1)=1-x^(n+1) x^n*x^1-1=1-x^(n+1) x^(n+1)-1=1-x^(n+1) 3) a) assume x=1/2 sum(x^n)=1/(1-x) sum((1/2)^n)=1/(1-1/2) 2=1+1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32.. 2=2 b) A catches up in 1/1 seconds time T runs 1*x distance A catches up in 1/x time T runs 1/x^2 distance more A catches up in 1/x^2, T runs 1/x^4 time where this continues forever, the sum of all of these creates 1/n(sum(x^n)) as A gets closer and x <1, they continue infinitely to a limit number. thus the summation x^n = 1/(1-x) v_a*t=x*t+1 1-x*t=1 t=1/(1-x) 4) sum(1/2^n) n=1 :=1/2= n=2 :=1/2+1/4=3/4 n=3 :=1/2+1/4+1/8==7/8 n=4 :=1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16=15/16 the limit as n aproaches infinity, the sum(1/2^n)=1 this is because as n increases, the distance between the sum and 1 decreases so the limit aproaches 1