a) 1234 1243 1324 1342 1423 1423 2134 2143 2314 2341 2413 2431 3124 3142 3214 3241 3412 3421 4123 4132 4231 4213 4312 4321 it has 12, A4=1/2 s4=12 Since A4 has cyclical groups to get elements in group 4, they exist in s4 b) 1234 i=0 2314 i=2 3124 i=2 The above each have even inversions, there is also the identity permutation along with H, allowing H to be alternating 4 group c) 1342 1423 2143 2431 3241 3412 4132 4213 4321 1342H 1342*1234= 1342 1342*2314= 2143 1342*3124= 3241 remove these 1423 2431 3412 4132 4213 4321 next: 1423*1234= 1423 1423*2314= 2431 1423*3124= 3412 4132 4213 4321 next 4132*1234= 4132 4132*2314= 4213 4132*3124= 4321 thus none left, so s4=1342 u 1423 u 4132 there are 3 cosets, They have the same amount of cosets as right as they are the gh = hg. they cannot have the same, as when elimination happens with the identity set, it eliminates all of the first row. d) The cosets above is group of s4 into H, making them the same number of elements where none overlap, thus s4/h is an integer. 2)Legranges Theorum is defined as G=(G:H)*H, where the left side, the partition of G is aH, is the same cardinality of H, thus the inverse.