Picture 15 From Gitti Weiss's 90th Birthday: First-Generation

All the pictures in this collection were taken by Tom Furstenberg, Jr.

At the party at Matti and Nilli Weiss's house (Jan. 11, 2003).

Another picture of the party guests that belong to the first generation after Gitti Weiss's, together with Gitti.

Back Row (from Left to Right): Gil Zeilberger, Ada Weiss, Rivka Barkai, Sister Kaethy Wolff, Ernie ("Alex") Alexander.
Middle Row: Anne Howson, Gitti Weiss, Doron Zeilberger, Matti Weiss.
Front Row: John Kuhn.

(Not in picture: Tom Furstenberg, Sr., Irene Kaufmann)

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