# Please do not post # Omar Aceval Garcia, due 2/02/2025 :) Assignment 3 # Quantum Problem 3.1 # Assuming that L is a Hermitian operator (matrix) on any finite dim space, we first argue that it has an eigenvector. # This is because det(L - lamba Id) = 0, where Id is the n x n identity matrix, is an n-degree complex polynomial, hence it has a root. # Since L - lambda Id has determinant zero, by the Rank-Nullity theorem it must have a vector v where (L - lambda Id)v = 0. # So Lv = lambda v, and so L has an eigenvector. Now the argument is straightforward: # Let w_1, v_2, ... , v_n be an orthonormal basis for the space, where w_1 is an eigenvector. # For any i > 1, we argue (in bra-ket notation) that Lv_i is orthogonal to W_1. # By assumption = 0 = , and L|w_1> = lambda |w_1>, and since L is Hermitian. # So it follows that = = lambda = 0 # Similarly = 0. # So we have just shown that L is a Hermitian operator on the subspace v_2, v_3, ... , v_n. Hence it contains an eigenvector... # So the proper inductive argument guarantees that we can assume w_1, w_2, ... , w_n is an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors. # Threshhold for connectivity # For n = 10, 20, 30 and a sample size of K=200 I will guess the threshold for connectivity by using p = 1/10, 2/10, etc # and creating a matrix of probabilities of being connected. # Estimates the probability (for large K) that a graph on n edges with prob p of having each edge is connected PC:=proc(n,p,K) local i:evalf(coeff(add(IsCo(RG(n,p)),i=1..K),true,1)/K):end: ThreshGuess:= proc(K) local i,j: return [seq([seq(PC(10*i, j/10, K) , j = 1..9 )] , i=1..3)]: end: # Running this returned the matrix of probabilities: # [ # [0.005000000000, 0.2650000000, 0.5900000000, 0.8650000000, 0.9750000000, 1., 1., 1., 1.], # [0.05500000000, 0.6800000000, 0.9700000000, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.], # [0.2250000000, 0.9600000000, 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.] # ] # Which suggests that as n goes higher, the threshold of connectivity quickly falls. # If I was guessing what p value corresponded to having a 50% of connectivity, based on this data I would say: # A little under/around .3 for n=10, maybe between .15 and .2 for n=20, and around 0.05 for n=30.