#not OK to post homework #Nick Belov, March 12 2025, Assignment 14 JesusG:=proc(N) sum((-1)^n*binomial(2*n,n)^5*(820*n^2+180*n+13)/(2^(20*n)), n=0..N): end: #eval(abs(JesusG(10) - 128/pi^2))=10^-8 #JesusG(eval(abs(JesusG(100) - 128/pi^2))) was also 10^8 #infact Jesus of everything after 5 was 10^-8 so i imagine thats the point #where the accuracy exceeds the capability of floating point arithmatic #pi approximation: evalf((🥧:=3+sin(3))+sin(🥧)); #I found the idea for this here https://codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/22009/pi-calculation-code-golf #I hard coded two iterations of newtons method in as few characters possible.