# Okay to post homework # Ryan Badi, February 14, 2024, Valentine's Homework message := "I LOVE CODING THEORY": for i from 1 to StringTools:-Length(message) do: if not message[i] = " " then: message := cat(message[1..i-1], StringTools:-Char(((StringTools:-Ord(substring(message, i, string)) - 64 + 20) mod 26) + 64), message[i+1..StringTools:-Length(message)]) fi: od: plots:-display( plots:-implicitplot(x^2+(y-(-x)^(2/3))^2 = 1, x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, 'color'="red", 'thickness'=3), plots:-implicitplot(x^2+(y-x^(2/3))^2 = 1, x = -10 .. 10, y = -10 .. 10, 'color'="red", 'thickness'=3), plots:-textplot([0, 0.35, message, 'font'=["Showcard Gothic",25], 'color'="gold"]), plots:-textplot([0, 0.9925, "0", 'font'=["Broadway",20], 'color'="red"]), plots:-textplot([0, -1.0075, "0", 'font'=["Broadway",20], 'color'="red", 'rotation'=Pi]), axes = "none" );