# OK to post homework # Lucy Martinez, 02-14-2024, Assignment Valentine # READ: # The plot called P will take about 2-3 seconds to compile, please be patient :) # The shift for the Caesar code is 25 # CALL: # LM; # in maple worksheet to display the heart with(plots): with(ColorTools): Help:=proc(): print(`Call display(P,T,A); `): print(` to display the heart `): end: # The equation for the 3D heart shape F := -320*X^2*Z^3 - 36*Y^2*Z^3 + 320*(X^2 + (9*Y^2)/4 + Z^2 - 1)^3: subs(Y^2 = y, %): Ysquared := solve(%, y)[1]: # Plot for the heart P:=plot3d([-sqrt(Ysquared), sqrt(Ysquared)], X = -1.25 .. 1.25, Z = -1 .. 1.25, scaling = constrained, grid = [300, 300], style = surface, color = red,axes=none): # Text for the heart # The shift for the Caesar code is 25 T:=textplot3d({[0, 0, 1,"H knud bnchmf sgdnqx"]}, align = above, color = black,font=[Courier,bold,20]): # An arrow shape for the heart A:=arrow(<2,1,1>,fringe='red'): # Displays all plots from above LM:=display(P,T,A);