#OK to post homework #Joseph Koutsoutis, 03-31-2024, Assignment 19 read `C19.txt`: #1 done #2 done #3 P := proc(n) local m, j: 1 + add(trunc( trunc( n / (1 + add(trunc((1 + (j-1)! )/j - trunc( (j-1)!/j ) ), j=2..m) ) )^(1/n) ), m=1..2^n): end: # I checked that the first 11 outputs of P matched the first 11 primes. t := proc(n) local p: 2 + n*trunc( 1 / ( 1 + add( trunc( (n+2)/p - trunc( (n+1)/p ) ) , p=2..n+1) ) ): end: # {seq(isprime(t(i)), i=1..1000)} outputted {true}. Pi1 := proc(n) local k: trunc( add( (sin( Pi * GAMMA(k) / (2*k) ))^2 , k=1..n) ): end: # I tested Pi1(i) for i from 2 to 30 and it correctly counted the number of primes between 1 and i. #4 # TestSameKey(d,K) confirms that Alice and Bob end up with the same key when using random primes with # d digits. We test this K times. TestSameKey := proc(d, K) local i,g,P,Alice,Bob,gab,gba: for i from 1 to K do: P := FindSGP(d,100): while P = FAIL do P := FindSGP(d,100): od: g := FindPrimiSGP(P): Alice := AliceToBob(P,g): Bob := BobToAlice(P,g): gab := Alice[2]&^Bob[1] mod P: gba := Bob[2]&^Alice[1] mod P: if gab <> gba then return(FAIL): fi: od: return(SUCCESS): end: # I ran TestSameKey(10,100) and TestSameKey(100,100) and both returned SUCCESS #5 DL := proc(x,P,g) local a,g1: g1 := 1: for a from 1 to P-1 do: g1 := g1 * g mod P: if g1 = x then return(a): fi: od: return(FAIL): end: # When I used an 8 digit prime, it took my computer 3 minutes to solve DL(1,P,g), so I did not try # P with more digits. #6 # I followed the pseudocode from the wikipedia article for this implementation # (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miller%E2%80%93Rabin_primality_test) RabinMillerTest := proc(n,K) local s,d,a,x,y,i,j,ra: if n = 2 or n=3 then return(true): fi: if n mod 2 = 0 then return(false): fi: s := 0: d := n-1: while d mod 2 = 0 do: s += 1: d := d / 2: od: ra := rand(2..n-2): for i from 1 to K do: a := ra(): x := a&^d mod n: for j from 1 to s do: y := x^2 mod n: if y = 1 and x <> 1 and x <> n-1 then return(false): fi: x := y: od: if y <> 1 then return(false): fi: od: return(true): end: