# Okay to post # Daniela Elizondo # February 13, 2022 # Assignment 7: Valentine with(plots): p1:= plot([16*sin(t)^3, 13*cos(t)-5*cos(2*t)-2*cos(3*t)-cos(4*t), t=0..10], axes=none, filled=[color="Pink", transparency = 0.7]): # I found the equation for the heart curve at https://mathworld.wolfram.com/HeartCurve.html p2 := textplot([0, 3.7, "I love "], font=["times", "roman", 70], axes=none): p3 := textplot([0, -1, "2, 3, 7, 11, 29, 47, 199, 521,"], font=["times", "roman", 25], axes=none): p4 := textplot([0, -4, "2207, 3571, 9349, 3010349,"], font=["times", "roman", 25], axes=none): p5 := textplot([0, -7, "54018521..."], font=["times", "roman", 25], axes=none): display({p1,p2, p3, p4, p5});