# OK to post homework # RDB, 2022-02-20, HW9 # 3. read "C7.txt": G := [[ [R, R], [S, T] ], [ [T, S], [P, P] ]]: # Snowdrift. eq := MNE22(G) assuming T > R and R > P and S > P: eq := eq minus {[0, 1], [1, 0]}: # mixed := eq[1]; Payoffs := PayOffG(G, mixed[1], mixed[2]): # print(`The net payoff at the strictly mixed Nash equilibrium in Snowdrift is`); # simplify(Payoffs[1] + Payoffs[2]); # 4. symmetric4Way := []: mixed4Way := []: (* for L in permute([T, R, S, P]) do: res := MNE22(G) assuming L[1] > L[2] and L[2] > L[3] and L[3] > L[4]: symmetric4Way := [op(symmetric4Way), res]: mixedRes := res minus {[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]}: if mixedRes <> {} then mixed4Way := [op(mixed4Way), L]: fi: od: *) (* mixed4Way: [[T, R, S, P], [T, S, R, P], [T, S, P, R], [R, T, P, S], [R, P, T, S], [R, P, S, T], [S, T, R, P], [S, T, P, R], [S, P, T, R], [P, R, T, S], [P, R, S, T], [P, S, R, T]] *) # Some observations: The mixed equilibrium (if it exists) will always be the # same, because it comes from solving {EQ1 = 0, EQ2 = 0}, which doesn't care # about constraints. The question is whether the underlying slopes *can* be # zero, and if them being zero matches the other conditions. # 5. # This takes a long time to run! I don't have any answers yet. # We should look into it again. read "C9.txt": N := 2: M := 2: G1 := [seq([seq([Q[i, j], Q[j, i]], j=1..M)], i=1..N)]: vars := [seq(Q[floor((k - 1) / N) + 1, (k - 1) mod M + 1], k=1..N*M)]: symNMWay := []: (* step := 0: for L in permute(vars) do: cond := andseq(L[i] > L[i + 1], i=1..nops(L) - 1): print(step); print(cond); res := MNE2(G1) assuming cond: symNMWay := [op(symNMWay), res]: step := step + 1: od; *)