#OK to post homework #George Spahn, 2-20-2022, Assignment 9 # 4 with(combinat): read "C9.txt": question4 := proc () generalgame := [[[R,R],[S,T]],[[T,S],[P,P]]]: tally := 0: for p in permute({T,R,S,P}) do assume(p[1] > p[2], p[2] > p[3], p[3] > p[4]): ne := MNE2(generalgame): #print(ne): if nops(ne) = 3 then tally := tally + 1: fi: od: end: # 12 out of the 24 possible orderings yield a mixed nash equilibrium. # 5 # I used inclusion and exclusion over each strategy pair being a pure equilibrium # Sum from 1 to 9 of strategy pair i being a nash = 5/3 # Sum from 1 to 9 choose 2 of strategy pairs i and j being a nash = 8/9 # Sum from 1 to 9 choose 3 of strategy pairs i and j and k being a nash = 2/9 # 5/3 - 8/9 + 2/9 = 1 # Therefore there are no permutations of the ordering such that there are no pure # nash equilibrium, ie. every possible symmetric game with 3 strategies has a pure # nash equilibrium. # I think I can also show something stronger, that for all symmetric games, there must # exist a pure nash equilibrium. # Still working on a proof.