#OK to post homework #Yuxuan Yang, Feb 17th, Assignment 8 #2 #When T>R>P>S, #suppose player 1 uses probability [p1,1-p1] and player 2 uses probability [p2,1-p2], then #the expectation of player one is E1:=p1*p2*R+p1*(1-p2)*S+(1-p1)*p2*T+(1-p1)*(1-p2)*P. #E1 gives maximum at p1=0 for any fixed p2, since T>R and P>S. #Similarly, E2:=p1*p2*R+p1*(1-p2)*T+(1-p1)*p2*S+(1-p1)*(1-p2)*P gives maximum at p2=0 for any fixed p1, #which comes from T>R and P>S. #Note that until now all we need is "T>R and P>S" to give a unique NE. It is tragic because additionally we have R>P. #It makes the NE payoff [P,P] is worse than another payoff [R,R]. #3 #[1,2] is NE because S=M[1][2][1]>M[2][2][1]=P and T=M[1][2][2]>M[1][1][2]=R, #[2,1] is NE because T=M[2][1][1]>M[1][1][1]=R and S=M[2][1][2]>M[2][2][2]=P. #For mixed NE, consider the derivative of E1:=p1*p2*R+p1*(1-p2)*S+(1-p1)*p2*T+(1-p1)*(1-p2)*P with respect of p1. #It is a linear function of p2 and we let it equal to 0. Then p2=(P-S)/(R-S-T+P). #Similarly we need p1=(P-S)/(R-T-S+P). #This is a mixed NE since each of two players has a fixed expectation when changing his own strategy.