#OK to post #Rebecca Embar, 2-16-2022, Homework 8 #2 #The game is #G := [[[10,10],[-5,15]], # [[15,-5],[0 ,0 ]]] #By running MNE22(G), we can see that the unique Nash Equilibria is [0,0] #For a more mathematical proof, assume player 1 chooses to donate #with probability x and player 2 chooses to donate with probability y #The payoff for player 1 is P(x,y) = 10*x*y-5*x*(1-y)+15*(1-x)*y+0*(1-x)*(1-y) #Simplifying, we get P(x,y) = 15*y-5*x #For fixed y in [0,1], P(x,y) is maximized when x is as small as possible, i.e., #when x = 0 #The same computations hold for player 2. Therefore, the unique Nash Equilibria #is for both players to play strategy 2 with probability 1, yielding outcome [0,0] #If we reiterate the game as, #G := [[[R,R],[S,T]], # [[T,S],[P,P]]] #and let T=R+0.01, R=10000P, S=P-0.01 #If player 1 and player 2 play with the same probibilities as before, #the payoff for player 1 is P(x,y) = R*x*y+S*x*(1-y)+T*(1-x)*y+P*(1-x)*(1-y) #Since R+P=T+S, this simplifies to P(x,y) = (S-P)*x+(T-P)*y+P #Since S-P is negative, for fixed y in [0,1], P(x,y) is maximized when x is as small #as possible, i.e., when x = 0. #3 #(Refuse,Pay) is a pure Nash equilibria since BR1(Pay) = Refuse and BR2(Refuse) = Pay #Same for (Pay,Refuse) #To find a mixed Nash equlibria, assume player 1 chooses "Pay" with probability x and #player 2 chooses "Pay" with probability y #The payoff for player 1 is P(x,y) = R*x*y+S*x*(1-y)+T*(1-x)*y+P*(1-x)*(1-y) #Simplifying, we get P(x,y) = (R-T+P-S)*x*y+(S-P)*x+(T-P)*y+P #Setting y constant, we have P'(x) = (R-T+P-S)*y+(S-P) #Thus, player 1 is indifferent in their choice for x when P'(x) = 0, i.e., when #y = (P-S)/(R-T+P-S) #Notice that this value of y is inside of [0,1], since T>R>S>P implies that P-S and R-T+P-S #are both negative (and therefore y > 0) and 1/y = (R-T)/(P-S)+1 > 1 since R-T, P-S are both #negative (and therefore y < 1) #By a similar computation, we can see that player 2 is indifferent in their choice for y when #x = (P-S)/(R-T+P-S). Thus, a mixed Nash equlibria is [(P-S)/(R-T+P-S),(P-S)/(R-T+P-S)]