#OK to post homework #Yuxuan Yang, Feb 13th, Assignment 7 #2 TypeCounts22:=proc(K1,K2) local oaz,taz,zao,tao,i,G,na,mna: oaz:=0:taz:=0:zao:=0:tao:=0: for i from 1 to K2 do G:=RG(2,2,K1): na:=nops(PureNashEqui(G)): mna:=nops(MNE22(G) minus{[0,0],[0,1],[1,0],[1,1]}): if mna=0 then if na=1 then oaz:=oaz+1: fi: if na=2 then taz:=taz+1: fi: fi: if mna=1 then if na=0 then zao:=zao+1: fi: if na=2 then tao:=tao+1: fi: fi: od: evalf([oaz,taz,zao,tao]/K2): end: #TypeCounts22(100000000, 10000) #[0.7475000000, 0., 0.1207000000, 0.1318000000] #4 #my conj would be [1/4,0,1/8,1/8] #5 with(LinearAlgebra): PayOffGG:=proc(G,p1,p2) local M1,M2,vp1,vp2,i,j,ex1,ex2: vp1:=Matrix([p1]): vp2:=Transpose(Matrix([p2])): M1:=Matrix([seq([seq(G[j][i][1],i=1..nops(G[1]))],j=1..nops(G))]): M2:=Matrix([seq([seq(G[j][i][2],i=1..nops(G[1]))],j=1..nops(G))]): print(vp1,vp2,M1): ex1:=simplify(MatrixMatrixMultiply(vp1,MatrixMatrixMultiply(M1,vp2))): ex2:=simplify(MatrixMatrixMultiply(vp1,MatrixMatrixMultiply(M2,vp2))): [ex1,ex2]: end: #C7.txt: Feb. 10, 2022 Help7:=proc(): print(` BRL(f,x), MNE22(G)`):end: #BRL(f,x): inputs an affine linear expression in x outputs the x for which f is maximal, according to conditions. try: #BR((b-1)*x+c,x) BRL:=proc(f,x) local A: if not degree(f,x)=1 then RETURN(FAIL): fi: A:=coeff(f,x): {{x=1,A>0},{0<=x and x<=1, A=0},{x=0,A<0}}: end: #MNE22(G): The set of mixed Nash equilibria for a 2-person game with each player having two strategies, where G is given #as a 2 by 2 bimatrix. It gives all the pairs (p1,p2) such that if #Player Row plays stragety R1 with prob. p1 (and hence strategy R2 with prob. 1-p1) #and Player Col plays stragety C1 with prob. p2 (and hence strategy C2 with prob. 1-p2) #these stochastic stragies are Best responses to each other, in the sense that for either player #deviating from them (while the other player keeps his or her strategy) will make her or his #EXPETED payoff worse. Try: #G:=RG(2,2,100); MNE22(G): MNE22:=proc(G) local p1,p2,P, L1,L2,i1,i2,eq,j,S,sol: P:=PayOffG(G,p1,p2): L1:=BRL(P[1],p1): L2:=BRL(P[2],p2): S:={}: for i1 from 1 to nops(L1) do for i2 from 1 to nops(L2) do eq:={p1>=0 and p1<=1 and p2>=0 and p2<=1} union L1[i1] union L2[i2]: sol:=[solve(eq,{p1,p2})]: if sol<>[] then for j from 1 to nops(sol) do S:=S union {subs(sol[j],[p1,p2])}: od: fi: od: od: S: end: #old stuff #C6.txt: Feb. 7, 2022 Help6:=proc(): print(` SimulateG(G,p1,p2), SimulateMG(G,p1,p2,K) , PayOffG(G,p1,p2) `): end: #SimulateG(G,p1,p2) #Simulates ONE 2-person game with 2 strategies given by a bimatrix G each # game where the stochastic Strategy of Player is to play Odd with Pron. p1 #and Player 2 with prob. p2 SimulateG:=proc(G,p1,p2) local c1,c2: #c1:=What player 1 played #1 is ODD #2 is EVEN c1:=LoadedCoin(p1): c2:=LoadedCoin(p2): G[c1][c2]: end: #SimulateMG(G,p1,p2,K): Plays the game G with mixed strategy (p1,p2) K times and outputs #the pair of average payoffs SimulateMG:=proc(G,p1,p2,K) local i: evalf(add(SimulateG(G,p1,p2),i=1..K)/K): end: #PayOffG(G,p1,p2): Inputs a 2-player game with two strategies for each player, given in terms of its bi-matrix, and rational numbers p1 and p2 between #0 and 1 (inclusive) (of left as symbols), outputs the pair [PayOffOfPlayer1,PayOffOfPlayer2] for the expected pay-off if #Player 1 adopts strategy R1 with prob. p1 (and hence Strategy R2 with prob. 1-p1) and #Player 2 adopts strategy C1 with prob. p2 (and hence Strategy C2 with prob. 1-p2) PayOffG:=proc(G,p1,p2): expand(p1*p2*G[1][1]+ p1*(1-p2)*G[1][2]+(1-p1)*p2*G[2][1]+ (1-p1)*(1-p2)*G[2][2]): end: #OLD STUFF #C5.txt Maple Code for Lecture 5 Help5:=proc(): print(` IsNE(G,a1,a2), NE(G), BestTot(G) , BetterForBoth(G,a1,a2), RG(a,b,K) `):end: #BetterForBoth(G,a1,a2): Given a game G and a strategy choice (a1,a2) finds all the strategy choices that are better for BOTH players BetterForBoth:=proc(G,a1,a2) local b1,b2,S: S:={}: for b1 from 1 to nops(G) do for b2 from 1 to nops(G[1]) do if G[b1][b2][1]>G[a1][a2][1] and G[b1][b2][2]>G[a1][a2][2] then S:=S union {[b1,b2]}: fi: od: od: S: end: #BestTot(G): Given a 2-player game G, outputs the places where the total pay-off is the best, together with the pay-off BestTot:=proc(G) local a1,a2,S,rec: S:={[1,1]}: rec:=G[1][1][1]+G[1][1][2]: for a1 from 1 to nops(G) do for a2 from 1 to nops(G[1]) do if G[a1][a2][1]+G[a1][a2][2]>rec then S:={[a1,a2]}: rec:= G[a1][a2][1]+G[a1][a2][2]: elif G[a1][a2][1]+G[a1][a2][2]=rec then S:=S union {[a1,a2]}: fi: od: od: S,rec: end: #IsNE(G,a1,a2): Is [a1,a2] a Nash Equilibrium of the game G? IsNE:=proc(G,a1,a2) member(a1,BR1(G,a2)) and member(a2,BR2(G,a1)): end: #NE(G): Given a 2-player game G given by a bi-matrix G finds the set of Nash Equilibria NE:=proc(G) local a1,a2,S: S:={}: for a1 from 1 to nops(G) do for a2 from 1 to nops(G[1]) do if IsNE(G,a1,a2) then S:=S union {[a1,a2]}: fi: od: od: S: end: #RG(a,b,K): A random 2-player (static) game where the Row player has a strategies (Row 1, .., Row a), the Column player has b strategies (Col. 1, ..., Crol. b) #and the pay-offs are from 0 to K. For example, to see a random game where Player Row has four strategy choices, and Player Column has five strategy choices #and the pay-offs are integers from 0 to 20 type: RG:=proc(a,b,K) local ra,i,j: ra:=rand(0..K): [seq([seq([ra(),ra()],j=1..b)],i=1..a)]: end: #Start FROM C4.txt #C4.txt: Maple Code for Lecture 4 of Math640 (Spring 2022) Help4:=proc(): print(` FP(F), BR12(G), BR21(G) `): end: #FP(f): Given a discrete function f:= {1,...,n} ->{1,...,n} described by a list of length n, find the set of fixed points FP:=proc(L) local S,i: S:={}: for i from 1 to nops(L) do if L[i]=i then S:=S union {i}: fi: od: S: end: #BR12(G): Given a game G outputs the discrete function f: A1->A1 such that f(a1)= Best Response of Player 1 to the Best Response of Player 2 to Player 1's strategy a1. #Try: G:=RandDisGame(G,10,20): BR12(G); BR12:=proc(G) local L1,L2,a1: L1:=BR1dv(G): L2:=BR2dv(G): [seq(L1[L2[a1]],a1=1..nops(L2))]: end: #BR21(G): Given a game G outputs the discrete function g: A2->A2 such that g(a2)= Best Response of Player 2 to the Best Response of Player 1 to Player 2's strategy a2. #Try: G:=RandDisGame(G,10,20): BR21(G); BR21:=proc(G) local L1,L2,a2: L1:=BR1dv(G): L2:=BR2dv(G): [seq(L2[L1[a2]],a2=1..nops(L1))]: end: #FROM C3.txt Help3:=proc(): print(`RandDisGame(a,b), BR1d(G,a2), BR2d(G,a1), BR1dv(G), BR2dv(G), DynRC(G), DynCR(G) `):end: with(combinat): #RandDisGame(a,b): A random game where Player Row has a strategies R1, R2, ..., Ra; and Player Col. has b strategies: C1, C2, ..., Cb and all pay-offs are DISCTINCT #and consist of the set {1,2,...,ab}. Try: #RandDisGame(4,6); RandDisGame:=proc(a,b) local pi1,pi2,i1,j1: pi1:=randperm(a*b): pi2:=randperm(a*b): [seq([seq([pi1[b*i1+j1],pi2[b*i1+j1]],j1=1..b)],i1=0..a-1)]: end: #BR1d(G,a2): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G and a member a2 of A2 outputs the UNIQUE member of A1 that consists of the best response BR1d:=proc(G,a2) local a1: max[index]([seq(G[a1][a2][1],a1=1..nops(G))]): end: #BR2d(G,a1): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G and a member a1 of A1 outputs the UNIQUE member of A2 that consists of the best response BR2d:=proc(G,a1) local a2: max[index]([seq(G[a1][a2][2],a2=1..nops(G[a1]))]): end: #BR1dv(G): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G, outputs The list of size A2 with all the best responses # BR1dv:=proc(G) local a2: [seq(BR1d(G,a2),a2=1..nops(G[1]))]:end: #BR2dv(G): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G, outputs The list of size A1 with all the best responses BR2dv:=proc(G) local a1: [seq(BR2d(G,a1),a1=1..nops(G))]:end: #DynRC(G): The outcome of the Dynamical version of the game G if Row goes first and Column goes next DynRC:=proc(G) local L,i,iBest, jBest: #L is the list of size A1 where L[i] is the best response of Player Column to Strategy i and Row gets G[i][L[i]][1] L:=BR2dv(G): iBest:=max[index]([seq(G[i][L[i]][1],i=1..nops(G))]): jBest:=L[iBest]: [iBest,jBest], G[iBest][jBest]: end: #DynCR(G): The outcome of the Dynamical version of the game G if Column goes first and Row goes next DynCR:=proc(G) local L,j,iBest, jBest: #L is the list of size A2 where L[j] is the best response of Player Row to Strategy j and Col gets G[L[j]][j]][2] L:=BR1dv(G): jBest:=max[index]([seq(G[L[j]][j][2],j=1..nops(L))]): iBest:=L[jBest]: [iBest,jBest], G[iBest][jBest]: end: #End C3.txt #FROM C2.txt Help2:=proc(): print(` GameDB(), Rand2PlayerGame(a,b,K), IsStictDom(v1,v2), FindR(G), FindC(G), ShrinkGame(G), ReducedGame(G) , MyMaxIndex(L), LoadedCoin(p), BR1(G,a2), BR2(G,a1), BR1v(G), BR2v(G) `):end: ###PREPARED BEFORE CLASS #GameDB(): A list of length 5 consisiting of a a "data base" of famous gamess (and less famous ones): #Prisoner's dillema, Boattle of the Sexes, Matching pennies, Figure 1.1.1. in Gibbons, Figure 1.1.4 in Gibbons #For example, to see the Prisoner's dillema, type #GameDB()[1]) GameDB:=proc(): [ [ [ [[-1,-1],[-9,0]], [[0,-9],[-6,-6]]], [`Mum`, `Fink`], [`Mum`, `Fink`]], [ [ [[2,1],[0,0]], [[0,0],[1,2]]], [`Box`, `Opera`],[`Box`, `Opera`]], [ [ [[-1,1],[1,-1]], [[1,-1],[-1,1]]], [`Odd`, `Even`], [`Odd`, `Even`]], [ [ [ [1,0],[1,2],[0,1]], [ [0,3],[0,1],[2,0]]],[`Up`, `Down`], [`Left`, `Middle`, `Right`]], [[ [ [0,4],[4,0],[5,3]],[ [4,0],[0,4],[5,3]], [ [3,5],[3,5],[6,6]]], [`T`, `M`, `B`],[`L`,`C`,`R`]], [ [ [[0,0],[-1,1],[1,-1]], [[1,-1],[0,0],[-1,1]], [[-1,1],[1,-1],[0,0]] ], [`Scissors`, `Rock`, `Paper`], [`Scissors`, `Rock`, `Paper`] ] ]: end: PrintGame:=proc(G) local i: matrix( [ [" ", op(G[3])], seq([G[2][i],op(G[1][i])],i=1..nops(G[2])) ]): end: #Rand2PlayerGame(a,b,K): A random 2-player (static) game where the Row player has a strategies (Row 1, .., Row a), the Column player has b strategies (Col. 1, ..., Crol. b) #and the pay-offs are from 0 to K. For example, to see a random game where Player Row has four strategy choices, and Player Column has five strategy choices #and the pay-offs are integers from 0 to 20 type: #matrix(Rand2PlayerGame(4,5,20)); Rand2PlayerGame:=proc(a,b,K) local ra,i,j: ra:=rand(0..K): [ [seq([seq([ra(),ra()],j=1..b)],i=1..a)],[seq(i,i=1..a)],[seq(j,j=1..b)]]: end: #IsStictDom(v1,v2): Given two lists of numbers is v1[i]<=v2[i] for all i. For example #IsStrictDom([1,3,2],[2,4,3]); should return true but IsDom([1,3,2],[2,4,1]); should return false IsStrictDom:=proc(v1,v2) local i: for i from 1 to nops(v1) do if v1[i]>=v2[i] then RETURN(false): fi: od: true: end: #FindR(G): Finds a strictly dominated row stategy FindR:=proc(G) local G1,RowS,i1,i2,j,v1,v2: G1:=G[1]: RowS:=G[2]: for i1 from 1 to nops(RowS) do for i2 from i1+1 to nops(RowS) do v1:=[seq(G1[i1][j][1],j=1..nops(G1[i1]))]: v2:=[seq(G1[i2][j][1],j=1..nops(G1[i2]))]: if IsStrictDom(v1,v2) then RETURN(i1): elif IsStrictDom(v2,v1) then RETURN(i2): fi: od: od: FAIL: end: #FindC(G): Finds a strictly dominated row stategy FindC:=proc(G) local G1,ColS,j1,j2,i,v1,v2: G1:=G[1]: ColS:=G[3]: for j1 from 1 to nops(ColS) do for j2 from j1+1 to nops(ColS) do v1:=[seq(G1[i][j1][2],i=1..nops(G1))]: v2:=[seq(G1[i][j2][2],i=1..nops(G1))]: if IsStrictDom(v1,v2) then RETURN(j1): elif IsStrictDom(v2,v1) then RETURN(j2): fi: od: od: FAIL: end: #ShrinkGame(G): Given a game G, tries to shrink it, if it can't it returs it ShrinkGame:=proc(G) local i,j,G1,RowS,ColS,i1: G1:=G[1]: RowS:=G[2]; ColS:=G[3]: i:=FindR(G): if i<>FAIL then RETURN([ [op(1..i-1,G1),op(i+1..nops(G1),G1)], [op(1..i-1,RowS),op(i+1..nops(RowS),RowS)],ColS ]): fi: j:=FindC(G): if j<>FAIL then RETURN([ [seq( [op(1.. j-1,G1[i1]),op(j+1..nops(G1[i1]),G1[i1])],i1=1..nops(G1))],RowS, [op(1..j-1,ColS),op(j+1..nops(ColS),ColS)]]): fi: FAIL: end: #ReducedGame(G): The reduced game of G after all the possible Elimination of dominated strategy ReducedGame:=proc(G) local G1,G2: G1:=G: G2:=ShrinkGame(G1): while G2<>FAIL do G1:=G2: G2:=ShrinkGame(G1): od: G1: end: ####END PREPARED BEFORE CLASS #DONE DURING CLASS WITH STUDENTS' HELP #MyMaxIndex(L): [Suggested by Victoria Chayes]. #Inputs a list L of numbers, output the SET of places (indices) where it is maximum. For example #MyMaxIndex([5,6,7,7,1,7]); should give {3,4,6} MyMaxIndex:=proc(L) local i,m,S: m:=max(L): S:={}: for i from 1 to nops(L) do if L[i]=m then S:=S union {i}: fi: od: S: end: #Clarification (Jan. 26, 2022) thanks to Blair Seidler: Note that G is the actual BI-MATRIX, so to experiment with it use, for example #G:=Rand2PlayerGame(10,20,100)[1] #BR1(G,a2): Inputs a bi-matrix of a 2-player game G and a member a2 of A2 outputs the SUBSET of A1 that consists of the best response BR1:=proc(G,a2) local a1: MyMaxIndex([seq(G[a1][a2][1],a1=1..nops(G))]): end: #BR2(G,a1): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G and a member a1 of A1 outputs the SUBSET of A2 that consists of the best response BR2:=proc(G,a1) local a2: MyMaxIndex([seq(G[a1][a2][2],a2=1..nops(G[a1]))]): end: #BR1v(G): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G, outputs The list of size A2 with all the set of best responses # BR1v:=proc(G) local a2: [seq(BR1(G,a2),a2=1..nops(G[1]))]:end: #BR2v(G): Inputs a bimatrix of a game G, outputs The list of size A1 with all the set of best responses BR2v:=proc(G) local a1: [seq(BR2(G,a1),a1=1..nops(G))]:end: #end DURING CLASS WITH STUDENTS' HELP #Dne after class #LoadedCoin(p): outputs 1 or 2 with probability p and 1-p respecively. Try: #[seq(LoadedCon(1/3)),i=1..300)]; LoadedCoin:=proc(p) local m,n,ra: m:=numer(p): n:=denom(p): ra:=rand(1..n)(): if ra<=m then 1: else 2: fi: end: #End FROM C2.txt #Yuxuan Yang, Jan 29rd, Assignment 2 #4 IsNash:=proc(G,a1,a2) : evalb(a1 in BR1v(G)[a2]) and evalb(a2 in BR2v(G)[a1]):end: #5 PureNashEqui:=proc(G) local i,j,S: S:={}: for i from 1 to nops(G) do for j from 1 to nops(G[1]) do if IsNash(G,i,j) then S:=S union {[i,j]}: fi: od: od: S: end: