#OK to post homework #George Spahn, 2-13-2022, Assignment 7 #3 # Case 1: The two pure equilibria involve one player making the same move # let's say the player is A, and the other is B. # It must be the case that B is indifferent between its two choices # in the two equilibria, given A's choice. # Therefore any probility for player B between the two choices will also # be a equilibrium. In this case there are infinitely many mixed # equilibria # Case 2: To get from one equilibrium to the other, both players must switch # strategy # Suppose player 1 plays choice 1 with probability p1. Then player 2 gets some # expected utility u1 from choice 1 and some expected utility u2 from choice 2. # Either one of these is greater, or they are the same. Without loss of generality # u1 >= u2 when p1 = 0 # u2 >= u1 when p1 = 1 # Both of these functions, u1 and u2 vary continuously with p1. # Therefore, there exists a p1 such that they are equal, p1*. # We can do the same process to find a p2*. # For this p1*, p2*, both players are playing a best response to the other, # so it is a mixed Nash Equilibrium. # 5 PayOffGG := proc(G,p1,p2) add(add( p1[i]*p2[j]*G[i][j] ,j=1..nops(G[i])), i=1..nops(G)): end: