# OK to post homework # RDB, 2022-02-06, HW4 # 1. I identify as etc. etc. # 2. Done. # 3 / 4. # In general, profit = revenue - cost, and we say that # revenue = quantity * market clearing price # cost = quantity * marginal cost of production. # Plugging all of this in and moving things around, the model is # Pi(q1, q2) = qi (a - qi - q(1 - i)) # for some (positive) constant a. # The "equilibria" of this game depends on the exact setup. # First, note that the function f(x) = x(c - x) has a maximum at x = c/2. # Cournot model: # Both firms move "simultaneously." In this case, a point (q1, q2) is an # equilibrium iff q1 maximizes f(q1) = P1(q1, q2) and q2 maximizes g(q2) = # P2(q1, q2). These functions are, respectively, # f(q1) = q1(A - q1 - q2) # g(q2) = q2(A - q1 - q2). # The maximum of f occurs at q1 = (A - q2) / 2, and the maximum of g occurs # at q2 = (A - q1) / 2. Therefore, we require # q1 = (A - q2) / 2 # q2 = (A - q1) / 2, # which has a unique solution of q1 = q2 = A / 3. # In this case, the profits of the two firms are identical: # P1(A/3, A/3) = P2(A/3, A/3) = A^2 / 9. # Stackelberg model: # Firm one moves "first," with the knowledge that Firm 2 will pick the best # response to its choice. (This is really a one player game once we make that # assumption.) # Since the payoff for Firm 2 is P2(q1, q2) = q2(A - q1 - q2), the best # response is always q2 = (A - q1) / 2. Thus, we know that the payoff for # Firm 1 is # P1(q1, (A - q1) / 2) = q1(A - q1) / 2. # The best choice now is still q1 = A / 2, but the payoffs are different: # P1(A / 2, A / 4) = A^2 / 8 # P2(A / 2, A / 4) = A^2 / 16. # Monopoly model: # The Firms coordinate efforts to produce the monopoly quantity: A / 2. They # do this by setting q1 = q2 = A / 4. # In this case the payoffs are as follows: # P1(A / 4, A / 4) = P2(A / 4, A / 4) = A^2 / 8. # 5. # Cournot total payoff: # A^2 / 9 + A^2 / 9 = (2 / 9) A^2. # Stackelberg total payoff: # A^2 / 8 + A^2 / 16 = (3 / 16) A^2. # Monopoly total payoff: # A^2 / 8 + A^2 / 8 = (1 / 4) A^2. # The largest total payoff comes from the Monopoly model. # 6. # That's enough "by-hand" mathematics for the week. monopolyChoice := solve(diff(q * (A - q)^d, q), q); stackelbergResponse := solve(diff(q2 * (A - q1 - q2)^d, q2), q2): stackelbergFirstEqn := subs(q2=stackelbergResponse, q1 * (A - q1 - q2)^d): stackelbergFirst := solve(diff(stackelbergFirstEqn, q1), q1); stackelbergSecond := simplify(subs(q1=stackelbergFirst, stackelbergResponse)); bestResponseOne := solve(diff(q1 * (A - q1 - q2)^d, q1), q1): bestResponseTwo := solve(diff(q1 * (A - q1 - q2)^d, q1), q1): soln := solve({q1 = bestResponseOne, q2 = bestResponseTwo}, {q1, q2}): nashOne := rhs(soln[1]); nashTwo := rhs(soln[2]);