#OK to post #Homework 22, Rebecca Embar read `C22.txt`: #4 LP := proc(G) local L,Los,i: L := {}: Los := LaG(G): for i from 1 to nops(Los) do if Los[i]=0 then L := L union {i}: fi: od: L: end: #5 AvNuLP := proc(n,p,K) local i: evalf(add(seq(nops(LP(RDG(n,p))),i=1..K))/K): end: #Outputs: #n=10, p=1/5, 5.4886 #n=50, p=1/5, 11.4566 #n=10, p=2/5, 3.7886 #n=50, p=2/5, 6.6904 #n=10, p=3/5, 2.7950 #n=50, p=3/5, 4.4635 #n=10, p=4/5, 2.0416 #n=50, p=4/5, 2.9963 #n=100 took too long to run