#OK to post #Homework 21, Rebecca Embar read `C21.txt`: #2 with(NumberTheory): IsSquareFree := proc(n) local PF,Squares,i: PF := PrimeFactors(n): Squares := {}: for i from 1 to trunc(sqrt(n))+1 do Squares := Squares union {i^2}: od: if (PF intersect Squares) = {} then true: fi: false: end: IsCon:=proc(n): if IsSquareFree(n) then if n mod 2=1 and 2*nops(Tn(n,2,1,32))=nops(Tn(n,2,1,8)) then RETURN(true): elif n mod 2=0 and 2*nops(Tn(n,8,2,64))=nops(Tn(n,8,2,16)) then RETURN(true): fi: fi: false: end: