#OK to post homework #Yuxuan Yang, April 3rd, Assignment 18 with(combinat): #2 SeqCoStupid:=proc(N) local i: [seq(NuC(2*n-1,[[0,1,1],[0,0,1]]),i=1..N)]: end: #4 #A := SeqC(20, [[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1]]): #seq(evalf(A[i]/binomial(i + 5, 5)), i = 1 .. 20) #it seems like an alternating two constant like [0.03,0.025] #6 GQP1:=proc(L,p,n) local i,List: for i from 1 to p do List[i]:=[seq(L[p*m+i],m=1..floor(nops(L)-i)/p)]: od: [seq(subs(n=n/2-i/2,GP(List[i],n)),i=1..p)]: end: GQP:=proc(L,n) local i,o: i:=1: while GQP1(L,i,n)[1]=FAIL do i:=i+1: od: GQP1(L,i,n) end: #Maple code for Lecture 18 #C18.txt: Maple code for Lecture 18, original and Generaized Condorcet scenario Help18:=proc(): print(`IsCond3G(C,G), Cond3G(v,G) , SeqC(N,G), SeqCe(N,G), `): print(`SeqCo(N,G), NuC(v,G) `):end: with(combinat): #i beats j if the number of voters that prefer i to j is larger than #the number of voters that prefer j to i # #S[i,j]:=Number of voters that prefer i to j #i beats j if S[i,j]-S[j,i]>=1, 1 is the cut-off # #Let G be a 2 by 3 cut-off matrix, [[0,G12,G13],[0,0,G23]] #IsCond3G(C,G): inputs a vote-count profile outputs true iff 1->2->3->1, IsCond3G:=proc(C,G) local i,P,T: P:=permute(3): for i from 1 to nops(C) do T[P[i]]:=C[i]: od: #1->2->3->1 if (T[[1,2,3]]+T[[1,3,2]]+T[[3,1,2]])- (T[[2,1,3]]+T[[2,3,1]]+T[[3,2,1]])>=G[1][2] and (T[[1,2,3]]+T[[2,1,3]]+T[[2,3,1]])-(T[[1,3,2]]+T[[3,1,2]]+T[[3,2,1]])>=G[2][3] and -(T[[2,3,1]]+T[[3,2,1]]+T[[3,1,2]])+(T[[2,1,3]]+T[[1,2,3]]+T[[1,3,2]])2->3->1 for a in A do if IsCond3G(a,G) then C:=C union {a}: fi: od: C: end: #Nuc(v,G): The total number of voter-profiles (not to be confused with vote-count-profiles) with 1->2->3->1 with v voters NuC:=proc(v,G) local A,su,a,i: A:=Comps(v,6): su:=0: for a in A do if IsCond3G(a,G) then su:=su+add(a)!/mul(a[i]!,i=1..nops(a)): fi: od: su: end: #SeqCo(N,G): The first N terms of the sequence #Number of G-Condorcet vote-COUNT-profiles with 2*n-1 voters SeqCo:=proc(N,G) local n: [ seq(nops(Cond3G(2*n-1,G)),n=1..N)]: end: #SeqCe(N,G): The first N terms of the sequence #Number of G-Condorcet vote-COUNT-profiles with 2*n voters SeqCe:=proc(N,G) local n: [ seq(nops(Cond3G(2*n,G)),n=1..N)]: end: #SeqC(N,G): The first N terms of the sequence #Number of G-Condorcet vote-COUNT-profiles with v voters SeqC:=proc(N,G) local n: [ seq(nops(Cond3G(n,G)),n=1..N)]: end: Help17:=proc(): print(`Comps(n,k), GP1(L,n,d), GP(L,n) , IsCond3(C) `):end: #Comps(n,k): The set of all compositions of n into exactly k parts (with non-negative entrties) Comps:=proc(n,k) local S,a,S1,s: option remember: if k=0 then if n=0 then RETURN({[]}): else RETURN({}): fi: fi: S:={}: for a from 0 to n do S1:=Comps(n-a,k-1): S:=S union {seq([op(s),a],s in S1)}: od: S: end: #GP1(L,n,d): Inputs a list of numbers L and a variable n and a non-neg. d outputs the polynomial of degree d #P(n), such that P(i)=L[i], for all i from 1 to nops(L). OR FAIL #nops(L)>=d+2 GP1:=proc(L,n,d) local a,i,P,eq,var: if nops(L){0} then RETURN(FAIL): fi: P: end: #GP(L,n): Inputs a list of numbers L and a variable n and outputs the polynomial of degree <=nops(L)-2 #P(n), such that P(i)=L[i], for all i from 1 to nops(L). OR FAIL #nops(L)>=d+2 GP:=proc(L,n) local d,P: for d from 0 to nops(L)-2 do P:=GP1(L,n,d): if P<>FAIL then RETURN(P): fi: od: FAIL: end: #IsCond3(C): inputs a vote-count profile outputs true iff 1->2->3->1, IsCond3:=proc(C) local i,v,P,T: P:=permute(3): v:=add(C): for i from 1 to nops(C) do T[P[i]]:=C[i]: od: #1->2->3->1 if T[[1,2,3]]+T[[1,3,2]]+T[[3,1,2]]>v/2 and T[[1,2,3]]+T[[2,1,3]]+T[[2,3,1]]>v/2 and T[[2,3,1]]+T[[3,2,1]]+T[[3,1,2]]>v/2 then true: else false: fi: end: