#OK to post homework #Yuxuan Yang, Mar 13th, Assignment 14 with(combinat): #1 #SSVc([47,17,12,9,8,7,6,6,3,2,2,1],61) #[443/792, 37/396, 29/396, 3/55, 59/1155, 613/13860, 53/1320, 53/1320, 59/3960, 163/13860, 163/13860, 5/924] #SSVc([42,30,12,8,6,6,4,3,3,2,2,2],61) #[1227/3080, 5059/27720, 157/1320, 59/840, 709/13860, 709/13860, 223/6930, 109/4620, 109/4620, 223/13860, 223/13860, 223/13860] #SSVc([30,17,9,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,4],61) #[259/858, 25309/180180, 3947/60060, 817/12870, 6451/120120, 6451/120120, 6451/120120, 6451/120120, 5359/120120, 5359/120120, 5359/120120, 5359/120120, 151/4290] #2 All zeros, the sum is always less than n(2n+1)+1, if we replace n(2n+1)+1 by n(2n+1)/2+1, it seems to be linear. Help14:=proc(): print(` WMG(L,q), SSV(L,q), SSVc(L,q) `): end: with(combinat): #WEIGHTED MAJORITY GAME; Shapley-Shubik Values #DEF: A WEIGHTED MAJORITY GAME IS A LIST of POSITIVE INTEGERS L # AND a cutoff q #PAYOFF f[S]=0 if Sum(S)=q #IN ISRAEL sum(L)=120, q=61 #WMG(L,q): INPUTS a WIEGHTED-MAJORITY GAME L,q outputs the TABLE of #PAYOFFS FOR ALL SUBESTS OF {1,..,n} n:=nops(L); WMG:=proc(L,q) local n,PN,S,f,s: n:=nops(L): PN:=powerset(n): for S in PN do if add(L[s], s in S)>=q then f[S]:=1: else f[S]:=0: fi: od: op(f): end: #SSV(L,q): The Shapley-Shubik vector of values of the Weighted Majority game L,q SSV:=proc(L,q) : SV( WMG(L,q) , nops(L)):end: #DEF. A PLAYER IS PIVOTAL IF IN A GIVEN ORDERING THE VALUE CHANGES FROM 0 to 1 #PLAYER J is PIVOTAL IF HE ENTER THE ROOM AS THE k-th i_k=J #L[i1]+L[i2],...+L[i_{k-1}]=q #IN OTHER WORDS player J is PIVOTAL IF HE ENTERS THE ROOM AS the k-th entrant #FOR ANY PLAYER J, TO GET HIS SHAPLEY VALUE # #LOOK at ALL PERMUTATIONS [i1,i2,..i_{k-1}, J, i_{k+1}, ... i_n] such that #L[i1]+L[i2]+..+L[i_{k-1}]=q # # # {i_1,..., i_{k-1} } J {i_{k+1}, ..., i_n} # # (k-1)! *(n-k)! # #GIVEN a SET {L[1], ..., L[n]} how may subsets of {1,...,n} are there #with k elements that they add-up to N # #F(k,N): coefficient of z^k*x^N in (1+z*x^L[1])*...*(1+z*x^L[n]) #SSVc(L,q): The Shapley-Shubik vector of values of the Weighted Majority game L,q #THE CLEVER WAY SSVc:=proc(L,q) local n,z,x,f,J,V,i1,k: n:=nops(L): V:=[]: for J from 1 to n do f:=mul(1+z*x^L[i1],i1=1..J-1)*mul(1+z*x^L[i1],i1=J+1..n): f:=add(coeff(f,x,i1),i1=q-L[J]..q-1): V:=[op(V), add( coeff(f,z,k-1)*(k-1)!*(n-k)!,k=1..n)]: od: V/n!: end: ##OLD STUFF #Maple Code for Lecture 13 of Dr. Z.'s Experimental Mathematics (Game Theory) class Help13:=proc(): print(`RSG(n,K), SV(f,n), SVp(f,n), SVpF(f,n) `): end: #RSG(n,K): A random SUPER-ADDITIVE n-person cooperative game RSG:=proc(n,K) :FM(RG(n,K),n):end: ##SV(f,n): Inputs a Coalition function a function defined on powerset(n) and outputs the list #of length n, call it L, such that L[i] is the Shapley value SV:=proc(f,n) local V,i,g,PN,S,val: #LET V[i]: The current Shapley value of Player i for i from 1 to n do V[i]:=0: od: g:=BM(f,n): #g[S]: means: corresponds to the game where the members of S are symmetric to each other and all the #other players are NULL players, and they get together g[S] PN:=powerset(n): for S in PN do val:=g[S]: for i in S do V[i]:=V[i]+val/nops(S): od: od: [seq(V[i],i=1..n)]: end: #SVp(f,n): Shapley value with the permutation approach SVp:=proc(f,n) local S,V,i,pi: for i from 1 to n do V[i]:=0: od: S:=permute(n): for pi in S do for i from 1 to n do V[pi[i]]:=V[pi[i]]+ f[{op(1..i,pi)}]-f[{op(1..i-1,pi)}]: od: od: [seq(V[i]/n!,i=1..n)]: end: #Added after class #SVi(f,n,i): The Shapley value of Player i in the n-person game given by f #This uses Eq. (13) (and (12), note the typo: n should be n!, i.e. gamma_n(s)=(s-1)!*(n-s)!/n!, where s=|S|) SVi:=proc(f,n,i) local PS,S: PS:=powerset(n) minus {{}}: add((nops(S)-1)!*(n-nops(S))!*(f[S]-f[S minus {i}]),S in PS)/n!: end: #SVpF(f,n): Yet another version of SV(f,n), using the above SVi SVpF:=proc(f,n) local i: [seq(SVi(f,n,i),i=1..n)]:end: #Stuff from Lecture 12: #C12.txt Help12:=proc(): print(`Ex1(), RG(n,K), FM(f,n), BM(f,n) `): end: Ex1:=proc():table([({3})=18,({2})=12,({})=0,({1, 3})=60,({2, 3})=90,({1, 2})=30,({1})=6,({1, 2, 3})=120]):end: with(combinat): #RG(n,K): inputs an and K outputs a random "n-person game" with entries in [0,K] RG:=proc(n,K) local ra,PS,S,f: ra:=rand(0..K): f[{}]:=0: PS:=powerset(n): for S in PS minus {{}} do f[S]:=ra(): od: op(f): end: #FM(f,n): inputs a function from 2^{1,...n} to pos. real numbres #we want g(T)= Sum of g(S) over all subsets S of T FM:=proc(f,n) local S,PS,PN,g,S1: PN:=powerset(n): for S in PN do PS:=powerset(S): g[S]:=add(f[S1], S1 in PS): od: op(g): end: #BM(f,n): inputs a function from 2^{1,...n} to pos. real numbres #we want g(T)= Sum of (-1)^(|T|-|S|)*g(S) over all subsets S of T BM:=proc(f,n) local S,PS,PN,g,S1: PN:=powerset(n): for S in PN do PS:=powerset(S): g[S]:=add( (-1)^(nops(S)-nops(S1))*f[S1], S1 in PS): od: op(g): end: