# OK to post homework # Robert Dougherty-Bliss # 2021-04-12 # Assignment 24 # 1. # I believe it! # 2. read "C24.txt": TabPairs := proc(n, m) shapes := Pn(n): res := []: for s in shapes do Ts := TAB(s, m): STs := SYT(s, m): res := [op(res), seq(seq([T, S], S in STs), T in Ts)]: od: res: end: # 3. # Recap: RS(pi) takes a PERMUTATION (of [n]) and outputs a pair of SYT. Now we # want to make it work for WORDS (with alphabet [n]). # RS inserts every element of the permutation into the tableaux with the # "bumping" procedure. The OLD bumping procedure said "it is legal to insert x # in a row if there an element > x in the row," which preserved row-and column # strictness. However, this assumed that everything being inserted was unique: # if x > everything in a row, then it is safe to put it in the next row. But if # x = something in a row, then putting it into the next row might break column # strictness. # The NEW bumping procedure says "it is legal to insert x in a row if there is # an element >= x in the row." This way, we aren't going to run into the column # strictness problem. # George's homework used the old bumping procedure, but we fixed it to work in # the general case in class (I think).