#Homework by Mike Murr #OK to post #hw24 read(`C24.txt`); #from C22.txt #AP(Y,i,m):write a procedure that inputs a Standard Young Tableau #and an integer i between 1 and nops(Y)+1 and inserts the #entry m at the end of the i-th row, or if i=nops(Y)+1 make #a new row with 1 cell occupied with m AP:=proc(Y,i,m): if i=nops(Y)+1 then RETURN([op(Y),[m]]): fi: if i>1 and nops(Y[i])=nops(Y[i-1]) then RETURN(FAIL): fi: [op(1..i-1,Y),[op(Y[i]),m],op(i+1..nops(Y),Y)]: end: #end from C22.txt #TabPairs(n,m) was created by modifying SYTpairs(n) of George Spahn, from C24.txt # TabPairs(n,m) outputs all pairs [S,T] where S is a (column-strict) tableau # with entries from {1, ,m}, and T is a STANDARD tableau of the SAME shape; TabPairs:=proc(n,m) local s,L,S,T,i,j: L:={}: for s in Pn(n) do: S:=TAB(s,m): T:=SYT(s): L := L union {seq(seq([S[i],T[j]] ,j=1..nops(T)) ,i=1..nops(S))}: od: L: end: