#Homework by Mike Murr #OK to post #hw17 read(`C17.txt`); RseqFF(24,10); #with(NumberTheory); CheckDeligne:=proc(N) local i, p, tauFunc, numerVal, denomVal, quotientVal, smallQuotient, largeQuotient, smallQuotP, largeQuotP; tauFunc:=RseqFF(24,N); smallQuotient:=1; largeQuotient:=0; for p from 2 to N do if isprime(p) then # print(p); numerVal:=tauFunc[p]; # print(numerVal); denomVal:=evalf(2*p^(11/2)); # print(denomVal); quotientVal:=abs(numerVal)/denomVal; # print(quotientVal); if quotientVal < smallQuotient then smallQuotient:=quotientVal; smallQuotP:=p; print(smallQuotP, smallQuotient); fi; if quotientVal > largeQuotient then largeQuotient:=quotientVal; largeQuotP:=p; print(largeQuotP, largeQuotient); fi; fi; od; #print(smallQuotP, smallQuotient); #print(largeQuotP, largeQuotient); end proc; #CheckDeligne(2000); #CheckDeligne(7000); CheckDeligne(15000); # From the output: # # 7589, 0.9802666258 # 7993, 0.0003198235674 # # Yes, with larger N, we got closer to the upper bound.