> #Q1. THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: > ; > #Let X be your birth-year, what is OEIS sequence AXES ; > ; > #A1. MY ANSWER TO THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: > ; > #My birth year is 1999, so I search A1999 and get ; > #A001999 ; > #a(n) = a(n-1)*(a(n-1)^2 - 3) ; > #3, 18, 5778, 192900153618, 7177905237579946589743592924684178 ; > ; > #Q2. THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: > #Def. the importance of a mathetmatician is the number of hits ; > #he or she or it or they have in searching for their name in the oeis ; > ; > A2. MY ANSWER TO THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: > ; > #ARCHIMEDES := 57 ; > #NEWTON := 129 ; > #EULER := 6764 ; > #HILBERT := 285 ; > #EINSTEIN := 51 ; > #THE GREATEST PROFESSOR ZEILBERGER := 842 ; > #IMPORTANCE ; > #EULER, ZEILBERGER, HILBERT, NEWTON, ARCHIMEDES, EINSTEIN ; > ; > ;