#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 4 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p4 #with an attachment called #p4FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p4DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Sept. 18, 2020, 8:00pm #Q1. THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: #Let X be your birth-year #What is OEIS sequence AX #A1. MY ANSWER TO THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: #A1999 #3, 18, 5778, 192900153618, 7177905237579946589743592924684178 #Q2. THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: #Definition The importance of a mathematician is the number of hits he or she or it or they have in searching for their name in the OEIS #Rank according to importance the following luminaries #Archimedes, Newton, Euler, Hilbert, Einstein, Zeilberger #A2. MY ANSWER TO THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: #1 Euler (6758) #2 Zeilberger (842) #3 Hilbert (285) #4 Newton (155) #5 Archimedes (55) #Q3. THE THIRD ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: #A3. MY ANSWER TO THE THIRD ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: