> #Attendence Q1. > #Who was the most prolific mathematician of all time? > #Leonhard Euler > > #Attendence Q2. > read `M25.txt`; `For a list of the SET procedures, type: Help24s();` `For a list of the ENUMERATION procedures (via Dynamic programming), type: Help24e();` `For a list of the GENERATING functions procedures type: Help24g();` > seq(nops(BZset(i)), i=1..20); 2, 4, 6, 10, 16, 24, 36, 52, 74, 104, 144, 198, 268, 360, 480, 634, 832, 1084, 1404, 1808 > #A098151: Number of partitions of 2n prime to 3 with all odd parts occurring with even multiplicities. There is no restriction on the even parts. > > #Atttendence Q3. > #By hand, find BZ([[5,2,1,1],-1) > #Check that is equals > BZ(BZ([[5,2,1,1],-1])); [[5, 2, 1, 1], -1] > #a(-1)=1, 5+2+1+1+1 = 3+2+2+1+1+1 = 10 > > #Attendence Q4. > #What is BZ([100$20],0); > #BZ([100$20],0); > #This function does not work. > > >