> #Attendence Q1. > #Use the Lagrange Inversion Formula to find an explicit expression for the > coeff. of x^n in the power series of u(x) that satisfies the functional > equations > > #i. u(x)=x*(1+u(x))^2=x*(1+2*u(x)+u(x)^2) -> PHI(z) = 1+2*z+z^2 > #[seq(coeff(taylor(PHI^n,z=0,n),z,n-1)/n,n=1..N)]: > #ii. u(x)=x*(1+u(x))^3 > #[seq(coeff(taylor(((1+z)^3)^n,z=0,n),z,n-1)/n,n=1..N)]: > #iii. u(x)=x*(1+u(x))^k > #[seq(coeff(taylor(((1+z)^k)^n,z=0,n),z,n-1)/n,n=1..N)]: > > #Attendence Q2. > read `M23.txt`; > RandF(16); [13, 7, 15, 10, 13, 16, 6, 2, 11, 12, 4, 6, 5, 11, 16, 1] > #Consider the function given above, > #f(1)=13, f(2)=7, ... , f(16)=1 > #i. draw this directed graph > #only one cycle found > # 14 > # 11<-9 > # 4 > # 10 > # 12 > # | > #8->2->7->6->16->1->13<->5 > # | > # 15 > # 3 > > #ii. Find the doubly rooted tree that is outputted by the joyal bijection. > check that it as below. > Joyal([13, 7, 15, 10, 13, 16, 6, 2, 11, 12, 4, 6, 5, 11, 16, 1]); {{1, 13}, {1, 16}, {2, 7}, {2, 8}, {3, 15}, {4, 10}, {4, 11}, {5, 13}, {6, 7}, {6, 12}, {6, 16}, {9, 11}, {10, 12}, {11, 14}, {15, 16}}, [13, 5] > # 14 > # 11<-9 > # 4 > # 10 > # 12 > # | > #8->2->7->6->16->1->13*<->5** > # | > # 15 > # 3 > > #Attendence Q3. > #Find the purffer code of length 11 of the original tree. > #[2,4,11,8,7,6,3,6,3,2] > > > > g:={{1,2},{2,3},{2,13},{3,6},{3,10},{4,5},{4,11},{6,7},{6,12},{7,8},{8,9},{10, > 11}}; g := {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {2, 13}, {3, 6}, {3, 10}, {4, 5}, {4, 11}, {6, 7}, {6, 12}, {7, 8}, {8, 9}, {10, 11}} > Pruffer(g); [2, 4, 11, 8, 7, 6, 10, 3, 6, 3, 2] > > > > > >