#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 22 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p22 #with an attachment called #p22FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p22DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Nov. Dec. 1, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: 8 PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH, BY THE ANSWER #ATTENDANCE Q. #1 for LECTURE 22 #write the above proof in your own words #ANSWER to Q. #1: # There must be one vertex who only has one edge (and thus, one neighbor), called a leaf because the graph is acyclic. If there was a cycle, this leaf would have a # second edge which connects to another vertex, thus closing a loop. This is true for a tree with n vertices. If we remove this leaf, we lose both one edge and # one vertex, so (by induction on n-->n-1), we now have a tree with n-1 vertices and n-2 edges. By our assumption, this is a tree as well, as removing a vertex # could never possibly result in the CREATION of a cycle. So, this tree follows the property of having (n-1) vertices and (n-1)-1 edges. # This continues all the way down to the base case (n=1), which is the singular vertex (no edges), so it is true that it has 1 vertex and 1-1=0 edges. #ATTENDANCE Q. #2 for LECTURE 22 #OEIS A number of the sequence? #ANSWER to Q. #2: # A000272 #ATTENDANCE Q. #3 for LECTURE 22 #Is this sequence in the OEIS? A number? #ANSWER to Q. #3: #Yes, A057500 #ATTENDANCE Q. #4 for LECTURE 22 #Smallest r such that ATreeSeq(30,r) is not in the OEIS? #ANSWER to Q. #4: #It appears to be r=13 #ATTENDANCE Q. #5 for LECTURE 22 #Ratio of time it atkes between doing treeseq(75) vs treeseq1(75)? #ANSWER to Q. #5: #evalf(time(TreeSeq(75))/time(TreeSeq1(75))) = 72.11538462 (72x as long to do it the inefficient way!!) #ATTENDANCE Q. #6 for LECTURE 22 #Let r_e(n) be the number of rooted trees where very vertex has an even number of children, set up a functional equation for egf of r_e(n) #R_e(x) = Sum(r_e(n)*x^n/n!,n=0..infinity); what are the first 20 terms of this sequence? Is it in the OEIS? #ANSWER to Q. #6: #Remove the root (gives us x on its own) #Case 0 --> 1 #Case 1 --> 0 (not even) #Case 2 --> r_e(x)^2/2! #Case 3 --> 0 #Case 4 --> r_e(x)^4/4! ... #We want to multiply it all by x, so let's #R_e(X) = Sum(r_e(x)^(2n+1)/(2n+1)!, n=0..infinity)... #R_e(X) = x*cosh(r_e(x)), then do FunEqToSeq(cosh(z),z,20) and multiply by i! i=1..20 #Sequence: [1, 0, 3, 0, 65, 0, 3787, 0, 427905, 0, 79549811, 0, 22036379521, 0, 8513206310715, 0, 4374455745966593, 0, 2885264091484122979, 0] # This is not in the OEIS, but it is if we skip the 0's (elements in the sequence are the (2n+1)th elements) with A036778 # Example tree # 4 / \ 2 6 / \ / \ 1 3 5 7 #ATTENDANCE Q. #7 for LECTURE 22 #How many labelled trees are there with 27 vertices and 6 leaves? #ANSWER to Q. #7: #coeff(taylor(TreeSeqL(27,t)[27],t=0,28),t,6) = 5466338131409680923049107456000000 labeled trees #ATTENDANCE Q. #8 for LECTURE 22 #conjecture an explicit formula for the average number of leaves of a labeled tree with n vertices. Limit if you divide by n? #ANSWER to Q. #8: #From observing the factored list, we have a formula a(n) = (n-1)^(n-1)/(n)^(n-2) #The limit if we divide by n as n --> infinity is limit((n-1)^(n-1)/(n*(n)^(n-2)),n=infinity) = e^(-1) or 1/e #A proof might include different ways to 'choose' how we may distribute our tree in terms of leaves, though I'm unsure of the true #approach. 1 and 2 are pretty straight forward, and 3 has trees like / (1), \ (1) or /\ (2) = (1+1+2)/3 = 4/3, so some #idea of base cases may come from these..