#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 20 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p20 #with an attachment called #p20FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p19DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Nov. 17, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH, BY THE ANSWER 1. When was Rabbi Levi Ben Gerson born? A: 1288-1344 2. How many set partitions of a 300-element set are there with exactly 5 members? A: SPk(300,5) 3. Is 1, 1, 4, 11, 41, 162, 715, 3425, 17722, 98253, 580317, 3633280, 24011157 in the OEIS? A: Yes - A000296 4. Is it in the OEIS? A: No 5. Let a_k(n): Be the number of permutations where every cycle of its length at least k. a_1(n) = n! a_2(n) = d(n) For k=3, k=4, k=5… find the first 30 terms of a_k(n) and see whether they are already in the OEIS? Which k is the smallest that is not there? A: cnkSeq(30, 3); [0, 0, 1, 6, 35, 225, 1624, 13132, 118124, 1172700, 12753576, 150917976, 1931559552, 26596717056, 392156797824, 6165817614720, 102992244837120, 1821602444624640, 34012249593822720, 668609730341153280, 13803759753640704000, 298631902863216384000, 6756146673770930688000, 159539850276066860544000, 3925495373278097719296000, 100480171548351161548800000, 2671674589068831403868160000, 73689668464006010184007680000, 2105684281550279072336117760000, 62262192842035613491057459200000] This is in OEIS - A081051 cnkSeq(30, 4); [0, 0, 0, 1, 10, 85, 735, 6769, 67284, 723680, 8409500, 105258076, 1414014888, 20313753096, 310989260400, 5056995703824, 87077748875904, 1583313975727488, 30321254007719424, 610116075740491776, 12870931245150988800, 284093315901811468800, 6548684852703068697600, 157375898285941510732800, 3936561409138663118131200, 102339530601744675672576000, 2761307967193712729035776000, 77226989703299075087834112000, 2236045380156380112643362816000, 66951000306085302338993639424000] Not in OEIS cnkSeq(30, 5); [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 15, 175, 1960, 22449, 269325, 3416930, 45995730, 657206836, 9957703756, 159721605680, 2706813345600, 48366009233424, 909299905844112, 17950712280921504, 371384787345228000, 8037811822645051776, 181664979520697076096, 4280722865357147142912, 105005310755917452984576, 2677503356427960382362624, 70874145319837672677196800, 1945067308917524165279692800, 55278125307966865191587481600, 1625014498326371300452283596800, 49361465831621147825759587123200] Not in OEIS