Q1. THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: i. explicit expression for a0=0.. an=1 ii explicit expression for an=n3 A1. MY ANSWER TO THE FIRST ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: i -x^3/(x-1) ii x*(x^2+4*x+1)/(x-1)^4 Q2. THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: Find egf of an=n for 0=6 A2. MY ANSWER TO THE SECOND ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: x+x^2+x^3/2+x^4/6+x^5/24 Q3. THE THIRD ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: what is egf of an=0 for n to 5 and an=1 for n>=6 A3. MY ANSWER TO THE THIRD ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: exp(x)-(1/120)*x^5-(1/24)*x^4-(1/6)*x^3-(1/2)*x^2-x-1 Q4. THE FOURTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: find egf of an=n-2! A4. MY ANSWER TO THE FOURTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: -x*ln(-x+1)+ln(-x+1)+x Q5. THE FIFTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS: i what is the a number ii how many digits does the graphs have A5. MY ANSWER TO THE FIFTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS: i A001187 ii 3365 Q6. THE SIXTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS Find the weight enumerator A6. MY ANSWER TO THE SIXTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS 1/(1-x^3-x^4-x^7) Q7. THE SEVENTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS Is it a member of x7 how big is x100 A7. MY ANSWER TO THE SEVENTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS No 520288193827224460161665693343439067946826765691270139531070491212113377307944087322830833805396364699434666974424650987403343482352896062075174445266247411051 Q8. THE EIGHTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION WAS How many triplets of the form [labeled tree, perm, sp] of size 150 A8. MY ANSWER TO THE EIGHTH ATTENDANCE QUESTION IS