#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 17a of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p17a #with an attachment called #p18FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p17aDoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Nov. 6, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH, BY THE ANSWER #ATTENDANCE Q. #1 for LECTURE 17a #Why are republicans red and democrats blue? #ANSWER to Q. #1: # Basicall the color scheme became a way using the USA's red white and blue flag colors (minus white # since printing paper is white etc), and so the USA colors are where the themes come from. # Some say that Red could stand for Republicans since they both start with R. # "In 1976, NBC used its first on-air election map and the bulbs turned red to designate states won # by Democratic nominee Jimmy Carter and blue to designate states won by Republican nominee Gerald # Ford. As The Verge points out, that color scheme was based on Great Britain's political system, # where the liberal party was associated with the color blue." (via USAToday) #ATTENDANCE Q. #2 for LECTURE 17a #In the 2008 election whoever won, in how many ways could he have gotten the exact number of electoral #votes that they actually got #ANSWER to Q. #2: #coeff(GFv(USEC(),x),x,365) = 3182416524832 ways Barack Obama could have gotten his 365 electoral votes #ATTENDANCE Q. #3 for LECTURE 17a #What is the probability that it is consistent in such an election with 1000 states #ANSWER to Q. #3: #evalf(binomial(1000,500)/2^1000) gives 0.02522501818 #ATTENDANCE Q. #4 for LECTURE 17a #how often will we get 500x[0] + 500x[1]? #ANSWER to Q. #4: #about 2.5% of the time #ATTENDANCE Q. #5 for LECTURE 17a #how close is SimuCount([1$100],1/2,10000,4)[2] to C(100)? #ANSWER to Q. #5: # it is roughly double of C(100) (C(100) is close to 8%, and SimuCount is ~ 0.16 #ATTENDANCE Q. #6 for LECTURE 17a #what other countries have electoral college systems? #ANSWER to Q. #6: #Some other countries that have an electoral college are Burma, Burundi, Estonia, India, Madagascar, Nepal, Pakistan, Trinidad # and Tobago, Vanuatu, and Vatican City, even Ireland for its Senate #I couldn't really find break-down numbers per territory for countries that share the winner-takes-all system USA has #among the list I have above, without just getting USA results in my search