No of attendance questions Question 0: Why are republcans red and democrats blue? Answer 0: It was not always like that. I think it is just arbitary/ Question 1: In the 2008 election whoever won, in how many ways could he have gotten the exact number of elctoral votes that they actually got. Answer 1: Obama won the 2008 election with 365 electoral votes. We then go to our generating function There are 3182416524832 ways we could so that Question 1: What is the probability that it is consistent in such an election with 1000 states Question 2: How often will we get exactly 500*x[0]+500*[x1]? Answer 4: We should get it half of the times Question 3: Run SimuCount([1$100], 1/2, 10000, 4); how close is it to C(100) Answer 5: [50.09490000, 5.021065025, 0.04127489997, 2.941718904], 0.1614000000 Question 4: Are ther other countries with the electoral system? What is the counterpart of the USEC() INDIA does IEC() = [159, 8, 116, 173, 129, 58, 147, 112, 51, 72, 176, 131, 152, 131, 175, 18, 17, 8, 9, 149, 16, 116, 129, 7, 176, 132, 26, 208, 64, 151]