> #THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: 9 ; > ; > #Q1 ; > #Convert the following recurrence 6*f(n) + 12*f(n+1) + 18*f(n+3) = 0 to explicit form: > #6*f(n) + 12*f(n+1) + 18*f(n+3) = 0 ; > # 18*f(n+3) = - 6*f(n) - 12*f(n+1) ; > # f(n+3)= - 2/3*f(n+1) - 1/3*f(n) ; > ; > #Q2 ; > #f(n)=3*f(n-1)-4*f(n-2), f(0)=1, f(1)=-2, find f(5) and f(6) ; > ; > #1,-2,-10,-22,-26,10,134 ; > #f(5) := 10 ; > #f(6) := 134 ; > ; > #Q3 ; > #What is F(10^6)? How long it takes ; > #What is f(10^6)? How long it takes ; > ; > #can't find due to the long computing time, maybe it takes infinite time ; > ; > #Q4 ; > #Consider the sequence that is defined by the recurrence f(n+1000) = f(n+999) + 5*f(n) > #What is the operator ope(N) such that ope(n) f(n) = 0 ; > ; > #ope := N^1000 - N^999 - 5N ; > ; > #Q5 ; > #Characterize the sequence(s) that satisfy a homogeneous recurrence of order zero. ; > ; > #10*f(n)=0 ; > ; > #Q6 ; > #Prove that d(n)/n! -> 1/e3 ; > ; > #d(n)/n! = n * d(n-1) / n! ; > # = n! * Sum((-1)^i/i!, i = 0..n) / n! ; > # = Sum((-1)^i/i!, i = 0..¡Þ) ; > #lim = e^-1 = 1/e ; > ; > #Q7 ; > #What is the OEIS A number of this sequence? ; > ; > #A000085 ; > #Number of self-inverse permutations on n letters, also known as involutions; number of standard Young tableaux with n cells. ; > ; > #Q8 ; > #Find the operators in N and N^(-1) annihilated by w(n) ; > #ope = N^2 - N - (n + 1) ; > ; > #Q9 ; > # Do SumTools[Hypergeometric][ZeilbergerRecurrence] ; > ; > #ZeilbergerRecurrence(T, n, k, f, l..u) ; > #T-hypergeometric term of n and k ; > #n-name ; > #k-name ; > #f-name of the recurrence function ; > #l..u-range for k ;